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I was actually so worried that they'd botched the twist because that scene last week was not in the manga (in the manga they have the bit when Ocho is dragging Orobas and he only mentions that they already turned it) and I just thought them focusing more on it and having "Marbas" saying weirdly suspicious shit would immediately remind people that Jazz has already played this prank, but...it's so easy to underestimate the passage of time. Episode 5 was a long time ago and ofc pretty much anything would seem obvious to someone who already knows. They did a good job with it and actually added some cool stuff like Allocer making that little camera to explain how he had his own feed to Jazz. Honestly the Allocer reveal really changed the way I view the author's writing and made me realize how skillful it actually is. It made me start to pay much closer attention to detail, especially if something seemed weird or like it needed to be addressed, and that has proven to be very rewarding. I just mean a moment like this is what turns me into a psycho that writes paragraphs about the series in someone's comment section. It's pretty good. Also man I know we gotta feel a bit bad for Orobas here but I fucking love that the poor guy is introduced to us in episode 4 as always being second to Asmodeus in practical exams and second to Allocer in written exams and then after trying to pop off all Harvest Festival, he...gets his ass beat by Alice and outsmarted by Allocer. Like damn sometimes you really are just second because the person in first is better.