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A bit of a general, nerdy ramble but... I think one of the things that truly makes this series stand out is just how rare fight scenes are. I love cool fight scenes. They're rad as hell. But when you largely remove them, it means you can't solve every conflict with a big fight. So instead Iruma uses things like him and Lead dancing for Keroli using Bachiko's "training" or him reenacting the manga for Toto, and that sort of stuff is so satisfying from a worldbuilding angle. Plus it's not exactly easy to incorporate comedy bits into the actual plot and have it not come off as stupid. But the lack of fighting also just keeps you on your toes. You expect the Harvest Festival to be this crazy student vs student tournament arc but no, literally the ONE rule is that students can't fight each other and then we see how that in itself can cause problems.


Yea I was shocked when one of the rules is that you can't fight other students or else it's an instant forfeit. I thought for sure the Harvest Festival was going to be a fighting arc but no it's literally a festival for harvesting lol