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password: war



This episode really showed the weaknesses of this series. The CG, which works for 1v1 fights or just Kumoko, does not work for large scale battle scenes. Also Kumoko has more personality and likability than the entire future cast. Seriously, the heroes and Hugo feel rather generic to me and are dull to watch. So this week was a dud for me, but I'm hoping/expecting next week to pick back up. Also when Sensei asked Hugo how many people he's killed, I immediately thought of Dio saying "How many breads have you eaten in you life."


Yeah this was hard to watch

Ryuuji Gremory

Well it was still better then the CG in Overlord S3, which is really just to say I have seen worse from bigger more well known studios.


the kidnapping/killing was done by the elves and not sensei herself - she was at that time most likely still a baby herself óO