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password: vamp



Soo... The author for this manga does actually have a hentai manga about a vampire but is not called "Big Boob Vampires" (In fact, it doesn't seem to have any big boobs at all lol) even so I’m willing to bet that’s the manga that the anime studio was referencing in that scene. If you are legitimately curious about it, I can post a link to it lol In the source material they actually used a different manga called “Scramble Shining’s” (according to fan translations) but I’m not sure if that’s a reference to a real manga or not.


I think everyone would very much so appreciate the source link lol


Alright, first the usual warnings for anyone that comes by and happens to read this... These links are NSFW, R-18, straight up hentai, etc etc... Open them at your own risk! https://nhentai.net/g/169134/ (First chapter) https://nhentai.net/g/192356/ (Second and to the best of my knowledge last chapter) On another note, the author (nanashi) has some really messed up hentais, if anyone decides to go looking through his works be ready for some shocking stuff. This one is actually pretty normal as far as hentai goes and on a personal note, I actually quite liked it lol.


For the last week I've been obsessed with this series and wanted to write some thoughts down. Last episode featured a flashback where bullies mockingly calling our male MC "Sir." This is likely a reference to the manga industry's tradition of breaking with senpai/kouhai social etiquette to show respect to young mangaka. The bullies recognized our protagonist's talent, tried to show him he was no better than them, and got bored because he didn't have any fight in him. Senpai isn't the type who wants to be noticed and is content with his daily schedule of still life drawings that will attract little attention. The Japanese have a saying, "deru kugi wa utareru – The nail that sticks up, will be hammered down." Japanese culture has a reputation of valuing "perfection" and people who are different are often singled out, bullied, or simply ignored and isolated. The Japanese must balance "the social presentation of self and the impact of improper conduct on the well-being of others." Hikikomori syndrome can be simplified as a desire to disappear in reaction to social pressures...


Nagatoro has multiple "social presentations" of herself. As a beautiful teen girl with an active social life she has a gender specific obstacle course set for her. As a gyaru she is coded as an outsider, albeit not a social outcast, and her clique presents even more social expectations. Her connection to senpai is sudden but Nagatoro is a bit of a closet otaku who enjoys being childish and somewhat unguarded around senpai. It's fun to tease senpai because, while he wears his emotions on his sleeve, he remains respectful isn't trying to take advantage of her. They are an odd pairing but they work well together. The more time they spend together the more their goofy chemistry turns into romantic chemistry.


It's actually not about perfection tho, now is it? Sometimes people are so perfect they will be beaten down for showing off or w/e have you (you think you are better than the community, huh?)