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password: pink



When it comes to Ayasaki, the pink haired girl, I think she's just ditzy. They do mention she's more like just their mascot, kinda implying she's probably not great at much else, atleast thats my opinion. Also, the reaction of the other student council members, kinda supports that, when they turn to look at her, like something like that has happened before, or they aren't surprised. If its true, I have a feeling we'll get plenty of ditzy moment from her lol xD


The central conflict of this episode feels very, very Japanese. I couldn't imagine teenagers in Texas siding with the student council as they dress down a female student. (But I could see the headbutt happening.) There is definitely a throughline with Hori never saying "no" to the student council and her mother never saying "no" at work. For someone who was introduced as being perfect in every way, Hori is a bit of a mess. I get it though. No dad around, mom always working, she has a lot on her plate and a big part of that is the face she shows the world.

Ryuuji Gremory

To answer your question whether Ayasaki is stupid or two faced, I would go with Stupid, or well "airheaded", if she did this with malicious intent her reaction to Miyamura calling her out would be weird. While she initially instantly rejects his claim, she herself has a realization visible to all. If she was doing this maliciously she wouldn't suddenly remember and basically admit that Miyamura is right, she would just continue to say she never said that and never saw the documents. As for the other Student Council members, they just trusted Ayasaki with what she said, probably because she is the presidents girlfriend, so his first reflex was to trust her and not assume that she just lost it and forgot it. They are visibly shook when they find out the truth, in Sakura's case even clearly angry at Ayasaki for having caused all this trouble when it's entirely her fault.


I think the callout also didn't start out as one. They probably just went to ask Hori about it. But as Hori said herself, she was so sleepy she wasn't actually very sure she didn't misplace the report. Had she been able to confidently refute it maybe thing would've taken anouther course