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The -Z- Files

Okay so yeah great episode like the last, it's an interesting way to keep bringing back uo side characters even though she travels so much and clearly signifigant time passes between episodes. While I did feel the dark stuff in the beginning was out of place I think now the writers perhaps are trying to show the simple fact of the world can be calm or chaotic and the central theme is free will in the end. it's Elaina's free will to be...well Narcissistic lol but besides that whether to help or not, and most characters seem to centralize around free will options, whether good or bad is kinda depending on who is viewing it. I will argue it's definitely the prettiest anime in a long time but beyond that they seem very I guess you'd say dedicated to the story elements so far.


In the West we are pretty individualistic and tend to preach altruism. Perhaps a Japanese writer would see the collectivist mindset and want to speak of the joys and pitfalls of individualism? Elaina isn't Luffy running headfirst into conflict. She is on her journey alone, deciding where she goes and when, all to the service of her own story. To this end she must put her safety first, picking her battles. How many protagonists in anime say "No" or "What is in it for me" when asked for help? We are constantly told Elaina has a pure heart and it is hard to think of a pure-hearted person being indifferent and seemingly selfish. But Elaina doesn't have a safety net and she does what she can by her own volition. This episode illustrates that enforced morality doesn't necessarily make people good, humans will just look for loopholes and continue like normal.