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FYI Lu Bu ISN'T a deity. He's a Chinese Warlord, from the Three Kingdoms era, and pretty much most of the Warlords from that are, at least the famous ones, are revered highly in China. I suppose you could sort of call them "gods", as they have been deified, that's how revered they are historically speaking. In fact, I recall Sun Tzu having a line about Lu Bu in his Art of War

The -Z- Files

I keep saying each episode is a solid episode and that honestly surprises me. I've watched anime since the 90s, ALOT of series and "most" always have filler, useless scenes or whole episodes even full arcs in many Shounen. I don't know if it's because they have sped up the web toon a bit and killed filler purposely but I haven't considered anything to not having a point so far, that with the character development, story, comedy, and god tier level animation quality, pun intended of course this might be a 10/10 anime in my eyes. lso few have noticed or commented I appreciate the doppleganger guy telling how his Grandpa "beat the six" and a the end as Mori did his dragon moves the six wathed clearly upset and it's obvious Mujin got his scar as well as the old man lost the arm to those fights, great visual references.