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password: woof


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always bully satania ;)

The -Z- Files

Not bad, I also like the reverse roles comedy here. I believe this came out in 2017, as for any weird homework stories from high school (back in the dark ages) I don't know if there was an exact Satania type though I do remember one or 2 classes having that kinda snarky kid who would say things like "Yeah I don't believe in this particular subject so I didn't do it!" or the classic "Ya know I had better things to do with my time last night." I mean they don't make kids hold water buckets in America, if that's a real thing elsewhere but they were basically told do it or they got a failing grade and a call to the parents,which I guess mattered to some and not to others lol I mostly did my homework unless I was just too into an art piece that day or sometimes asleep of course.


If they did the water bucket punishment at my school we wouldn't have enough buckets xD


Yay :3