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The main problem in my opinion is the Japanese culture, the intermediaries tried to avoid conflict and because of that, both parts never knew exactly what was happening on the other side. She doesn’t know anything about these adaptation process, she only know about manga creation. As they said in the episode, a manga can be done by a couple of people without too much communication skills. If someone explained to her about the whole process. And if they had meetings on line with all the people involved, all these could have been avoided


Thinking about what could happen in the next episode, it would be amazing if the scriptwriter decided to redo the whole script in a record time and give it to her directly. And then she loves the new script and gives the go ahead 😁. Another option could be that because the pace of a live play is totally different of the pace of manga panels, she write a totally bad script that doesn’t fit the timing of a live play and the whole thing ends being a big flop.

Ryuuji Gremory

They really could need someone that tells the production side to shut up/or just side steps them and then just locks Abiko-sensei and GOA in a room and doesn't let them come out until they talked out the misunderstanding and started collaborating on the script. The problem here is clearly (as pointed out) the lack of proper direct communication between Abiko and GOA by having like half a dozen people change up Abiko's complaints. Considering GOA says he has been reading the manga from chapter 1 in the magazine, he didn't just study up on it after getting the offer, he already was a fan long before that, and the passion he poured into this work I am pretty sure if Abiko directly complained to GOA he would totally understand her complaints. Even if she sucks at communicating, I am sure he would be able to take them in and create a script that faithfully reproduces Abiko's vision while also being suited for the Stage performance.