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Welp by popular demand, here's y'all ghost doggo gf :U

Enjoy ghost pupper butt .w.)b

Also played Scorn, hella short and kinda disappointed really

Visuals hella nice tho which is why I got it, but still, aaaaa



Leon K

Me on google right now: Can ghost get pregnant? Can you fuck a ghost? Is a ghost tight? About Scorn, yeah, game is disappointing when it comes to gameplay. If you stay for the story, you might leave a bit confused. But if you stay for the art, you're in for a hell of a ride.


best SCP


Yes. YES! Cutie 😭👌


Scorn is visually impressive. What I like the most is that the Player can figure out what is going and on and who the different species might be by observing the environment. It's definitely to short, and when you look at older trailer and Gameplay Demos it's looks like as if they've remade large parts of the game over and over again. Which is disappointing. Still It's not a gameworld you see everyday. And I love that style.


I need that pussy right now 😩🤤