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A lil something I dug out from the old sketch log that I felt like finishing

We're havin' a nice picnic with the sweet lady :D

Look at that smile.




Is she really that tall or it's it on account that she is the undead and the vertebrae just built up and became a part of her??

Noire K. Vector

Olivia must have been an Extremely tall mawile. I also like to think she can move her top half around like an adorable snake.

Ceres The Stardroid

Despite being a Zombie, she’s very cute and she has cookies!

Leon K

I know she's kinda dead . . . But her back is gonna get real stiff if she keeps it in the wrong position.


<p style="color: #008600;">Everything new is a well-forgotten old! This old sketch turned into an amazing picture!</p>

Rose Lapin

How you made an admittedly disturbing design into something so cute and charming is amazing, I love her


Olivia has an extremely charming smile! There is no doubt a picnic is going to be amazing.