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Might as well open the idea box while I'm dashing through it ouo)/

The theme is going to be butts, more butts :D

Unless someone wanted to change the theme and y'all agree with it

Go ahead and comment below on what character you wanna see do the booty shakin', a generic pokemon or some character from a video game, or some of mine :D



Hmm... as much as I'd die for some Glaceon, I'd rather see Lily.


Pokemon or some of your own, as long as they have vibrant colors I'm happy.


Glaceon please? Or maybe an absol?


Floatzel please bcause it was not animated yet


That old Zorarak of yours could be nice, maybe rubbing in some sunscreen on her butt.

bodine weber

How about your cow dragon Baat?


Milf Vaporeon teasing a victim's dick would be pretty hot. I don't know if you have a milf character already but I personally love Vaporeon