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Just to poke in to say that I'm not dead guys :D

Well to update on y'all on what's going on, I'm kinda in a crossroad
Pretty sure a lot of y'all didn't know, I'm in college for the past 2 years and things are starting to get super heavy on me, to the point where I can't even dish out anything anymore.
Which kinda lends me to making this decision, I still have 3 more years to go but I decided to "temporally " drop out of college to see what I can do with drawing lewds and comics instead

The reason for this decision was mostly cause of "What-if's" , if I get my paper I would mostly still just go back and draw butts and boobs, tho I am kinda afraid whether can I sustain myself with this in a long run
With how economic works here, outsider money makes things easier for me.

Idk what are y'all's thoughts on this?


Other than that, here are some stuff I manage to doodle up during my time, enjoy .w.




As someone who's in college as well, I'd say it's a good choice. College isn"t going anywhere! Follow your heart!


Id say the same, what program is 5 years tho. I know a program in california thats, 5 years. That being animation, but thats all i know. Follow your dreams


I'm obviously biased. But ask yourself what do you want to be in life? Do you want to be whatever you did in college or do you want to draw porn on the internet? Which one do you enjoy the most? There are always going to be risks, whatever you're doing in college might turn out to be just as risky as depending on people to give you money for porn every month. I don't know what you're doing in college, but I DO know that you can draw and you can draw pretty damn well too. It's not like you're going to be stuck here for the rest of your life, just by drawing you improve more and more as you probably know already. A temporary drop out just to feel the temperature isn't bad, but remember that you need a plan. What is your end goal? Where do you want to go? Do you even care about going somewhere? Are you content with what you have? As I said, you're a good artist, I'm pretty sure people won't leave unless every one of them ends up in an economic situation. Maybe in a year, you'll double your income because more people noticed you. The Internet is a chaotic market and I bet you have anxiety about losing the income you get from drawing but you're not going to lose it all in one night. Unlike a shop owner who has to sell their product and hope that people enter their store every day, you have people sitting outside your shop and pushing in cash through the mailbox. TL;DR: No matter what you do there will be risk, stress, anxiety, and deadlines. Take the temperature, make up a plan, figure out what you want and then execute. Maybe in a couple of months take the temperature again and readjust the plan or keep going.

Julian Daugaard

Boobs work kinda better on a snake when she's not actually snake-shaped..


While college can be really important, if your real passion is art and you think that you might want to pursue a career in that area, then right now would be the best time to find out. As you said, it's a "what-if" scenario, and if after you get a degree, you decide that you want to do something else that isn't related to that degree, they you would have wasted a lot of time and money. If taking some time off won't mess up going back to college and getting a degree, then definitely take that time off until you really know what you want to do with your life!