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Colors! Sorry for the slight delay, I was planning to post this page last night but we had a storm and power went out :<

Final page featuring the Supreme Leader and Adam, in this path. Who knows what the future has in stock for them? The Resistance is not the only growing threat she should consider, as we'll see in the next page.




He huge :o

BossMajor 345

I only see the release of Adam going bad for both parties

Fleur Dryke

I have to wonder what the FUCK she did to Adam exactly.

BossMajor 345

Nothing except put him in a tube. Everything at this point that's been done to his body has been his doing making all those false breeders


i actually wonder if breeders use names and how many of the are named richard or roach. or how many citizens of utopia noticed that the city is larger than it should be.

Julian Hartmann

Page 100 reached! Hope you have yourself a happy little milestone celebration. As for the last panel, Miss Leader know has an excellent chance to go Hojo on her own private Jenova.


Those are some big orbs


I'm very curious what the Leader has planned and if it will return to bite her in her ass. That said, just how big *is* Adam at this point?


Something tells me deep down inside, the Leader wants the same apotheosis Adam has. She just doesn't want to say it out loud. To become a massive breeder empress.


i love it i just wish 😔🙏🏻 Bukka could of had some female bunny breeders

Sebastian delaBarra

If Adam gets any bigger his balls will be a match for Nirvana's tits haha. Thinking about it now, the Breedera aren't really the monsters they seem to be at first. They're like slightly more intelligent ants, just doing what they gotta do to survive. They could be quite civil if they have a good leader.... aaannnnd at least one good fuck haha.


No problem ^^, I hope the storm didn't do any other damage. Congrats on 100 pages! Hey it's the OG breeder, I'm glad he's safe as well ^^. I wonder if this new threat will involve some familiar faces... Something I was wondering; is Adam's new body and the queens original hive the "true" breeder form?

Jarcu (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-30 01:21:20 The vein on the balls is my favorite part of this &lt;.&lt; &gt;.&gt;
2022-04-22 01:13:10 The vein on the balls is my favorite part of this <.< >.>

The vein on the balls is my favorite part of this <.< >.>


Hehe no, Breeders don't have the need to use names at all :)


Ding! Thank you :D In fact, the Supreme Leader has a mad scientist like Hojo in her ranks~


If Adam manages to "unleash" his full potential, he can be overwhelmingly big now. Like... scary big &lt;.&lt;


Those mighty orbs can barely contain such amount of power :O


I turned my PC off in time! :3. And thank you, it's definitely my longest project to date. Adam's new body is an anomaly that contains DNA from different kinds of Breeder-corrupted species (which he got from the false queens he created) plus some other additions the scientists put in him for research purposes, since they saw how well his body adapted itself to the Breeder corruption. However, he's still mutating, far from reaching his "true" Breeder form D:


An encounter between Adam (in that state) and Nirvana would be pretty interesting &lt;.&lt; The Breeders are surprisingly intelligent (in exception of Adam's sons, who are just plain dumb :P). However, Breeders are fully dependant of the hivemind which in turn, depends of their mother/queen. Basically, their actions are their queen's will.


Forgive my asking, how big is "scary big?" Like, bigger than the Queen herself at this point?