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Inks and colors next! After so many years, it looks like the Resistance is not dead, but all the opposite: They're the only source of hope for all those kind souls surviving outside of Utopia, and their numbers keep growing everyday.

Also, Bukka and Vodka finally managed to get in contact with the Resistance without triggering a hostile reaction. That also includes both shark sisters meeting each other again after so many years :)



Kalani Bluesturm

I am pretty sure that was a bittersweet reunion and must been quite a long talk to grt up tk speed without unloading lead on them like if it's going out of fashion

BossMajor 345

Such a sweet reunion but bet it wasn't easy. Just happy to see them together. Curious about the other daughter and the queen, I hope they are well


Good to see a happy reunion with the resistance and Volka's swarm. Funny how the breeders are the only ones naked, were as everyone else has clothes on.


Sisters finally reunited but how did Olga knew it was Vodka

Fleur Dryke

Vodka is pretty easily recognizable, even with the breeder strain in her body.


Whoo the Queens are back.

Julian Hartmann

They also seem to have the technology of making size adjustest glasses for breeder Vodka.


No need to panic, but we are surrounded by giant sexy ladies

Fen Longpaw

Looking great! Last two bits on the body shape back and forth x3 Part of why I'd love to see your take on that body shape is that it's the perfect reference for the body shape I've wanted for myself, just add a sizable package between those thighs. :3


It's so good to see the Shark sisters reunited qwq


Vodka: "Come... Join our Covenant young ones." Olga: "My sister thinks you both are HAAAAWT!!!" Vodka: "Could you NOT say that out loud?!?" *ahem* "Anyways, lets get going." We have Intergalactic Domino's waiting at home." I feel like Olga would say something along those lines just to mess with her BIG sister. ヾ(^ヮ^)ノ

James Reese

Really awesome to see them reunited ^~^ I think the next panel should have the characters interacting with the resistance at their homebase. A good example would be them having dinner but vodka and Bukka can’t fit at the table and brake the chair making everyone laugh. The Narration should tell how much the girls missed the simple of things like hot meal , a cup of coffee , warm shower and a real bed. This will add depth to the characters :3 iA good sexy bit would be the two making out in the shower hehe. This will also show they may have changed on the outside their humanity never left and they are still the same Vodka and Bukka ^~^. The page can end with them making sized clothes out of ripped up where’s. This will show us that the characters have come full circle as the story comes to an end. ^~^ amazing work as always


Awesome! It's great to see them again after all this time ^^. And Olga joins the party as well! That's a really wholesome reveal <3. I wonder how contact went down ha ha


Haha yeah, Bukka and Vodka have completely adapted themselves to the Breeders' lifestyle, including their lack of clothes. At this point both girls have spent most part of their life living as Breeders, so they don't really miss their old habits anymore.


Vodka's glasses are magical and carefully crafted with the power of plot :P


Thank you, James! I'm so glad you like it :D While they still retain their humanity and old memories, Bukka and Vodka are more Breeders than bunny and shark by now, so they have fully adapted themselves to that lifestyle. Anyways they still enjoy old habits like the ones you mentioned there, specially hot showers :3


The party is now complete! The contact between both sisters was complicated, although Olga herself was the one who ended up tracking and approaching Vodka, surprisingly :3