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Colors! "No fun allowed" for Lilith. However, the husky guy is about to have a complicated time... unless something (or someone) happens to save the day.

No doubt Lilith has to wear spandex battlesuits :P

On a side note, new picture coming on Sunday/Monday, featuring certain wolfess. There'll be a lot of new posts next week!



BossMajor 345

It's going to be very interesting the day Lilith runs into Bukka and Vodka or the Breeder queen and her sister


Love to see that guy take Lilith up on her offer with Lina.


Doesn’t anyone notice her tongue it’s different from the other breeders,it’s not long.


Her tongue is super long, but she's not sticking it out in these scenes.


Exile? Is outside the utopia really that bad? I'd figured that after finding immunity to the genes, they expanded and stop the spread?

Julian Hartmann

But how can their fate serve as an example if it's uncertain? (._. )? Also: Nice anti-drug message.

Fleur Dryke

I feel bad for Lilith, not having gotten to have a 'normal' life with her sister as well. Though, to be fair, I'd probably be more than willing to have a bit of fun with her to take that edge off. Still, have to wonder, why was it the one the queen was so afraid of was the one to join the OG queen in Nova.

Fen Longpaw

To be fair, the biggest and most reliable fear in the human species history is "the unknown," and all other major fears are based in it. Pretty reliable to use the boiled down version as a deturant.

Fen Longpaw

*Still* love how that bulge came out, and the lighting on the exposed parts of the breast is done wonderfully as well


aww rly hoped for her to have some smexy time ^^


Sheesh Mr Fluffy is party pooper.


What exactly are the rules they break? Is it tyrannical, like 'No Make Fun of The Great Leader', or is it more like: plotting to overthrow the government?

Sierra Teylaas

I love how skin-tight the suit looks in the upper-left panel. Hopefully, she doesn't flood her the suit:)


Are those cracks on her canine teeth, does every breeder have them or just her?


Now that im reading more from what lilith says. She inherited her mother's personality


Let’s hope both sisters won’t go to war against each other

Kalani Bluesturm

It really makes me wonder what would happen when she breaks free and what would happen to the civilized breeders, would their instincts awake or be able to hold on to themselves but now able to corrupt, also it be interesting to see what would lilith do when she meets her family and the queen

Sebastian delaBarra

No Horny Bonk! NOW IN PILL FORM! Also almost forgot about the Queen's special telepathic abilities, :u... Maybe that's why they let everyone ger Breeder genes. TO BE MONITORED! Dang, get dick expanded and get spyed on by the secret police. HOW DYSTOPIAN!


Is the Supreme Leader in a relationship with her assistant or is she just by herself? Also did either of her children inherit Adam's sexual urges?


The Breeder Queen is afraid of Lilith because she's able to corrupt everyone thanks to her unique traits, doesn't matter if it's people with male or female attributes. That means she's not only able to create a king consort, but a queen consort too. There can't be more than one queen in the entire species, in order to prevent competition between queens, inside wars and instability (as we already saw with the Breeder queens Adam created). The only exception would be the Breeder Queen's heir (in this case, Eva and Lilith) because they're directly related to her, although they aren't allowed to rule the species until the Queen resigns or dies.


They were getting in contact with the outside world (which is forbidden) and the Resistance, so they were plotting to overthrow Utopia's government.


Yes, all Breeders have those crack-things on their huge fangs.


They would never allow Lilith to break free because she's being monitorized at all times, but if that ends up happening (for some reason) some intelligent Breeders might become a bit unstable, but not to the point of going "feral". Said Breeders are sterile by default (they're genetically engineered), but anyways Breeder corruption is not a problem in Utopia anymore since they managed to create a treatment to cure and prevent it. And that'd be an interesting encounter! Sadly, Lilith has been reprogrammed and she doesn't remember her family anymore :<


She's just by herself, there's nothing special between them. Her assistant has been protecting her since her youngest days and she secretly considers the Supreme Leader a little sister or even a daughter sometimes, but she's not allowed to say such things. And yes, her daughter totally inherited Adam's urges (and perhaps a small part of his behavior too, mixed with the Supreme Leader's ruthlessness).

Fleur Dryke

I think you mentioned this earlier, and I probably just forgot.


Interesting. Now that raises the question about Resorces. Hydroponics for food and wells/filtration for water, but recycling metals, stone, and plastic only covers so much, especially if the population is growing. How do they get stockpiles for metals, crematics, oil (lubricants, plastics, ect)?