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Colors! It looks like Lilith has inherited her mother's personality, besides her father's attributes. This is the first time a Breeder Queen like her is born, making Lilith beyond unique... with the ability to share her royal gift with anyone.

However, the Supreme Leader had to make sure she always has someone keeping an eye on her, in addition to making her take special meds to suppress her Breeder instincts.

On a side note, new picture coming this week! :D




Extra spicy 🔥, I hope to see much more of Lilith in the future.


Does the Breeder Queen know about Lilith's gift? If so what does she think about it?


I'm guessing all the Futas that were corrupted into Queens don't count?


Oh my. Well, well, well, what an interesting development.


Ohh she born like that, fascinating... :)

Fleur Dryke

I'm still betting that the OG queen is still afraid of LIlith


All the people Adam corrupted are considered "False Queens". In this case, Lilith is a pure Queen, directly related to the Breeder Queen herself.

Xaziana Tenebris

Can't wait to see some pinups of Lilith 💜😍💜


Lovely big things to see there~

James Reese

Wow love the shading it really shows the tone. Also I noticed the different colored backgrounds which sets the mood for the two characters in the scene. Purple for Lilith showing her dominant an lustful side and that purple is the color of Royalty. Red for the breeder show anger and Discipline as he is in charge . Really amazing work your née Technique has been really showing these past few panels ^~^ also I finished another nsfw pic and wanted to get some pointers on it ^^


So it was not the future the former queen saw but the fact that Lillith was unique and could be a problem, maybe this happened in the past so protocol is to kill all shemale borns?

Julian Hartmann

She's such a cutie! She should held fan metting where you can h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶s̶t̶e̶p̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ shake her hand Also, he has spikes/barbs at all the good places..


Does anyone ever wonder if Bukka and Vodka will have normal life again with spouses and/or kids

Sebastian delaBarra

I just realized Lilith may have inherited the double dongs from her shark genes! Alsooooo... HAWT! Damn we get a peek of the goods but didn't get to test em. Welp Lilith have certainly become an insant fav. ... Oh hek wait a minute a lower rank breeding is giving orders to a Queen. Now truly things gone topsy-turvy.


Actually double breedin spears most likely have come from the Alpha. Considering it too, has double breeding spears


Im curious to see how Nova managed to suppress the breeding instinct and make them sterile. Obviously something like the breeders i figured it cant be a permanent effect because 1. How else can you get a situation go from bad to worse(Mega lewd/hot) 2. Knowing Breeder Biology, im assuming when infected with the breeder touch you gain alot of benefits at some costs. 3. They adapt and evolve quickly to where any opponent who gains an advantage over them, it wont last long.


She does! In fact, she learned about it back in page 26 of this path (besides another subtle mention in page 80). The Breeder Queen is really concerned about it and she wants Vodka to keep an eye on Lilith at all times. However, something went terribly wrong D:


Bingo! I tried to add subtle hints of references and symbolism through the use of atmospheric colors in this page. I'm really glad you found them :D Thank you so much! And sure, please feel free to share your picture or send it to me in a private message if you want :)


Just like her grandmother, stepping on people is one of Lilith's specialities~


Yes! The shark genes from her mom, combined with her dad's "features" are to blame for that, mostly. I'm so glad you like her! Even if she's the leader of all Breeder squads in Utopia, Lilith is forced to obey her lower rank squadmates when she loses control like that. Otherwise, she'll have to face her superior (the Supreme Leader herself)... along with some disciplinary correction D:


All these intelligent Breeders are genetically engineered to be sterile, in exception of Lilith, who hatched from one of Vodka's royal eggs. In her case, she has been "reprogrammed" by Utopia's scientists with meds and years of "disciplinary correction" sessions. While they're doing their best to suppress her Breeder instincts, they can't make her sterile because the "hivemind network" between Utopia's intelligent Breeders would stop working. We'll learn more about all this in the next page, which will be the last page that takes place in Utopia :)

Fleur Dryke

Is it bad that I still want to at least snuggle up with her and kiss over every delicious curve of that body despite what it MIGHT do?


Does their civilization (Nova and Earth) have warp drives or something because how do they travel the vastness of space?