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Colors next! I'm having lots of fun drawing this big skunk mama, who happens to be one of Wennie's co-workers. Perhaps I should draw them dancing together someday.

On a side note, sorry for the slow updates this week. I had to go to the vet to put my dog to sleep on Thursday and I'm devastated. I'll keep you updated with more content this Sunday.



Black Wolf

Anyone want pregnant Skunk stripper?

Michael S Marks

Sorry to hear about your dog, it's like losing a family member. No worries about the delay. Family comes first and big tit skunk mommas can wait. Great piece by the way, nothing quite like experience.


exactly,and sadly speaking from experience it much always hurts everytime you have to do that.

Fen Longpaw

*offers hugs* take the time you need. On the topic of the picture, I always love when you make a really fluffy character.


Awww, I’m really sorry for your loss, dude. I’ve had to go through that before. As long as you were there with him, he’ll know that he was loved. *hugs tight*


It's very understandable that you'd be slow with that happening. If you need a break or anything, you should take one, we understand o=

Julian Hartmann

Wait, Mama? Literally? Can we have a pic of Wennie babysitting her offspring?


*hug* no worries we know it hurts. Just don’t push yourself and take the time to mourn.


My condolences on the loss of your canine companion. Dogs are something special, they make our days so much more enjoyable and our nights warmer an richer. They become so interwoven to our lives and yet to them we are their whole life. And every pet we have, that we develop this special bond with over the days and years, their unconditional love and devotion makes them a part of family, and their loss, the hole they leave isn’t just the doggy bed in the corner of our room, but in our hearts too. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time.


Sorry about your dog. Losing a pupper always hurts. I've lost two myself. They had good, long lives before they went but it's still never easy.


Im sorry about your loss and dont worry about the slow updates just take your time.


Aww, it's real shame about what happened with your dog. I hope your doing okay. :*(


Its always hard to lose a pet. Went through it multiple times with different animals and Its gotten so bad I dont want to do pets anymore. My decision isnt permanent but the damage still lingers.


Please don't worry about taking it slow, it's a horrible thing to lose someone close to you so take all the time you need. I'm glad you're enjoying drawing the skunk, you deserve to have some fun :)

Renato Nayshun

Oh no that's horrible. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope that you can find solace in knowing that they're not in pain anymore <3

James Reese

My respects to you bud. Take as long as you need to dude . Your mental Heath is more important. We got your back if you need to talk. - big hyena hugs-