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Inks and colors next! Final pages of this path. Years have passed and life in Utopia is full of contrasts. It's a new era of of scientific innovation with a lot of progress in the technological and medical field... however, its society is completely divided.

On the other hand, the Breeders are being used not only to provide energy to fuel the entire city, but for medical research and experimentation that will suppose a big step towards an unexpected kind of... evolution? :x

On a side note, I'm planning to post 3 new Halloween-themed pictures this week! The base colored version of Mal0's sketch, besides two other surprises featuring certain dragons :D




Please tell me the humans are making human like breeders to find a cure to stop the breeder formation!


Probably meanwhile adam i making more xD

BossMajor 345

Well ...I only see this going badly in the future... I see no good

Julian Hartmann

I see an Xpray cameo in a trenchcoat! So how much more pages left in this path? 2? 3? Surely there's one for Adam, isn't there?


The medical research is like they are being given genes from the breeders? They are getting the advantages and improvements from the breeders, but are spared the downsides of being one of them? The males are getting larger in surten bodyparts and more produktive. And the women are beeing able to take more and produce even more? This is great!


Will we see the fate of bukka, vodka, vodka’s daughters and the resistance? I feel the resistance might not have a happy ending with the leader in charge now

James Reese

I see ! They managed to isolate the “ corporation gene 🧬 “ and developed a new genetic template that when implanted it changes the hosts and pushes the evolution to the next stage. Though I would have to wonder with each new generation wouldn’t they become something more powerful than the breeders? I am really really loving this can’t wait for more lore my dude ^^ really really love the scientific approach can’t wait for more ! …Wait .. is that who I think it is hiding in the background behind the guard in the hoodie?! OwO if so there’s still hope ^^


I like that males and females are able to volunteer to to host farmed breeders, without the breeder instance, but keep those massive breeding parts 😍


Me thinks this utopia will be good... Until it goes bad.

Sebastian delaBarra

It's like Umbrella Corp founded a city. I am sure NOTHING will go wrong.

Emmet Edwards

Hm, Breeder DNA infused gene therapy. WHAT COULD GO WRONG! :3


Interesting! The fox and bear certainly look very happy with their new enhancements ^^


Most curious. Most curious indeed.


is that Bear character in the 3rd scene the same one in the 4th scene?


Breeder based Experiments. Sounds like fun.


Idk why but I just love that wolf with the large package 😍


There's no such thing as slavery or racism in Utopia, although there's a lot of gene therapy. Sadly, that city has a strong division between its social classes, besides oppression against all those who don't fully support the Supreme Leader and her -beyond questionable- methods.


They do! Hopefully those enhancements won't come with Breeder-related side effects :O


Haha thanks! He was super fun to draw, looking all proud and happy with his Breeder-based enhancements :D


Now I'm in the mood to doodle a sexy version of a Hunter c.c


The next page will have a massive surprise related to what you said! Something that will change Utopia's society forever :3 And yes! She's Kha'Zana. It looks like people keep summoning her in the distant future ;D


It's a bit risky, but they're getting such promising results so far!


Yes, we'll see them very very soon in the -upcoming- final pages of this path!


Exactly! Besides that, they're also experimenting with Breeder-based regeneration, their strength, stamina and above all, their longevity.


Yep! That's Xpray :D I think there're 4-5 pages left. Adam will have a very brief appearance, so he will have his next big chance in the upcoming path :P


Clearly that breeder is shackled and made to work for free. I would not mind that in the story because it make sense. Use them for free labor and expirements on their genes just like what happened in real life even though this is one is just fiction. You say there is no racism, i disagree, the queen did say they hunted her kind for no apparent when they met, that seems like racism to me and it was all planned by the leader to lure them to Earth, have them go nuts on the populace, hunt them and use their genetic material and start her propaganda.