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Inks and colors next! The Supreme Leader finally explains her plans for the Breeders and one of the shadiest details behind her "Utopia Project".

However... Adam is in his "own world", remembering the day they met each other and imagining the future that might await for them if he asks nicely...

On a side note, new (and final) page of "Our Big Day" coming this week! :3




Did the Supreme Leader genuinely love or even care for Adam? Or was it just some fling that resulted in the birth of their children?

Klesk Vadrigaar

And I'm sure Adam is just the sort of guy to ask 'nicely'. XD


That detail will be explained further in the future! However, coming from the Supreme Leader herself... it wouldn't be surprising if seducing Adam (to use him) and then have a potential "heir" to carry on her legacy ends up being part of her big plan.


Haha yeah, his concept of "nicely" differs a lot from the norm... X3

Julian Hartmann

This "asking nicely" thing wants me to have an ending where he doesn't ask nicely and just slaps her in the face. Of course, not with his hand. (ツ) Use and get used, you know? Also, for some reason Adam looks endearingly derpy in that panel to me. Like a mischivious child or something.


I looove what I'm seeing on the bottom right~<3

James Reese

OwO if she where to be a queen Her power would turn her into an Empress!! With the ability to control, dominant, and the Strategic genius she could easily overrun all false queens as well as breeder queen her self. Not to mention Novas Will ( I know it’s not her name lol ) she could Telepathically control all forms of breeders Via by her strong mind !! :3 great work the past week by the way sorry I haven’t comment in a while been busy ^^ also do you have any commissions open ? :3 if so what’s your price ^^


Im thinkin of requesting a commission as well with breeder queen breeding with a certain character, question is, is she into Fox's?


You have to introduce new characters!!!😫

Sebastian delaBarra

I see Supreme Leader followed the Umbrella school in storing monsters. Also calling it now but Adam gets killed for being too much of a perv or having done his duty and now has no use.


Let’s all hope we get to see the new Supreme Breeder!!!


Ah, supreme leader is completely insane.


I have been introducing a lot of new characters for the last 15-20 pages: Plenty of Adam's false Queens, Vodka's daughters, the Supreme Leader and her right-hand woman, etc. I can't keep introducing many new characters when this path is about to end, although I'm saving a big surprise for the final page.


Considering the plans the Supreme Leader has for all Breeders, I think she's even crazier than Umbrella Corp :P We'll see Adam's fate in the next page!


That scene will be pretty fun in the colored version >:3. Also, there'll be plenty of scenes like that in the upcoming paths!


Haha I drew him derpy there in purpose! He's completely absorbed by his own thoughts and getting -concerningly- excited by them :P