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Inks and colors next! Nova's Supreme Leader finally explains the purpose of her world-changing plan... and its origin, which led to the events that took place in the Last Survivor ship many years ago. Also, this was my first time drawing a hyena :P

Does she have more plans for Adam now that the main phase of her plan has concluded?

On a side note, new page of "Our Big Day" and the fully colored version of my most recent animation coming this week!




Is it possible for the Breeder Queen to be good or is she always going to be evil? How the hell didn't Vodka and her crew not notice the Breeders on her ship like that? Also how tall is the Breeder Queen?


Lovely yeen for your first time. She looks nice. :)

Julian Hartmann

Looks like it's all slowly coming together now.... So she's the true and final villain that has manipulated all factions and is the final obstacle for our hero Adam to overcome and build a peaceful utopia...?


I wouldn't say Adam since he knew about the plan the entire time. It would be cool if the Breeder Queen's new consort ended up being the hero at the end.

James Reese

I love the hyena you did great with her :3 so the queen came from a jungle plant interesting 🧐. When the over all story is done will you expand last survivor world ? Because this is an amazing universe you have built :3


Its all coming together now!


It's pretty interesting that Adam and her were together awhile ago, let alone had kids. I wonder what caused them to split?

Sebastian delaBarra

Ah even without dialog I think I get part of the plan. Nova Leader forced the Queen into a Deal You Can't Refuse situation, leading to capture or surrender. Then she bribes Vokda to transport live cargo willingly or unknowingly. Their escape was probably planned or gambled upon so Adam, the traitor, would have a reason to uh "make a deal" with the queen. Now the question is what's the motive for causing an outbreak in the first place?


Cool yeen ^^. Aha all the pieces of are starting to come together!


The plot thickens like some well made pancake batter.


*Thumbs up!* You're VERY, very close! Good point Sebastian :) The Supreme Leader will finally explain her motives behind such plan in the next page.


It seems to me, but did Adam get everyone in my opinion? Buka with Vodka, the Queen of the Hive and even his ex. It's time for him to retire.)


She's not exactly evil! Everything the Breeder Queen does is an act of love for her entire species, her kind's wellbeing and its future, but sadly her methods are detrimental to other species, specially to the ones she's invading. However, there's a chance she might show her softer, less ruthless side in one -or more- of the next paths, And she's really tall! (8.7 ft)


Thanks, James! Of course, I have plenty of ideas for prequels, spinoffs and a spiritual sequel called "Utopia Project", although I don't know if I'll be working on them right after finishing this project :3 I'm planning to create a poll to decide that when "Last Survivor: Final Episode" is close to its completion!


Thanks, Shrapnull! The next page will have another very important revelation too :D


Sorry that I made you hungry... Fooooood…ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ)