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Inks and colors next! Finally, Nova's Supreme Leader hits the scene, after her brief appearance in Episode III's ending. 

She's actually one of the most important and influential -besides powerful- characters in the entire series, to the point she has the answers to all the Breeder-related events that have been taking place in planet Nova. 

It looks like Adam already knows her... and for some reason she's a source of both fascination and fear for him.



BossMajor 345

Damn... I'm absolutely terrified but want to know more about her


Is Adam gonna be a lab rat? :o Oh no, all those mean experiments they are gonna do to him XD


Does this story take place in the Milky Way galaxy or in a different galaxy? If it does take place in the Milky Way then why doesn't Earth help Nova-20. Lastly are there other planets called Nova or the numbers the districts of the planet.


could we one day get a breeder variant of her? as in like a poll reward thing or somethin similar


There is mention earth exists in this one so possibly milky way? or maybe just a diff galaxy

Julian Hartmann

Mhhmmm.... Those images at the very bottom.... That's why I'm here. Also: I never noticed how hot Adam looks when he's drooling! Moar of that in his win path, pretty please? Finally, getting a very Hellsing/Millenium-ish design vibe from the presumed second in command...?


So i’m guessing she can transform into something big and fascinating but yet at the same time something horrifying


that will surrcome his future


I'm calling now, the original mission she sent Vodka's crew on was to capture live specimens for bio weaponry and super soldiers.


Yes!!! Finally the Nova Leader.

James Reese

Hmm 🤔 Knowing Vodka is a space pirate she must have raided a nova prime cargo ship Believing to Contain valuables. Unknowingly that it was a ship owned by the Nova military ( A private contractor ) When Vodka and her crew brought the stolen goods on the last survivor they must have taken the queen and one of her sons Containment cell by accident believing it was just more goods To plunder. After words the crew checked their loot to see what they have, and that’s when the one of the queens sons where found. When he got lose he bred one of the crew members then she birthed the first gen breeders , but do to the high mortality rate during birth the only layed once. Once the first gen was born the queen broke free from her Containment sensing her sons ( or they Sensed her and broke her out). The rest is history, and That’s my hypothesis.

Sebastian delaBarra

After five gazillion years the one eye mystery bitch returns! Also dang Adam put that thing away, this is a professional business moment!


"Kept you waiting, huh" The big boss herself! It certainly has been a long time ^^ What a contrast between her and Adam...


We'll see a scene with her as a Breeder (coming from Adam's imagination) in one of the upcoming pages :)


Adam is drooling all the time now! And yeah, King (from King of Fighters) and Walter (from Hellsing) were good inspirations when I designed her :)


Not exactly, but close enough! Vodka abandoned her life as a space, reconsidered her future and tried to "redeem" herself working for Nova's Space Transport service not long before the "Last Survivor" incident. It isn't clear if some of her cargo tanks contained "special guests" or if the Breeders infiltrated her ship while she was working, but that's something we'll find out very soon :)


Adam should learn some manners! He's in front of the highest authority in the entire planet D:


Indeed! While Adam acts fueled by lust, rage and primal instincts completely ignoring any rule, Nova's Supreme Leader is extremely calm, disciplined and calculating, although her intentions might be even worse :o