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Colors! With this page, the Breeder Queen gives us a hint of what she's planning to do for her comeback, determined to restore the unity, future and former glory of her species. However, she's also concerned about Eva's twin and her possible actions...

After this, one of the biggest mysteries in the entire series is about to be unveiled, leading to a massive revelation and the introduction of an extremely important character!




I do hope someone makes a discord server based on this series.


The soon return to pure glory.


Why does it feel like they're just setting up for an even bigger cluster than what's already happened?

Floppy Human

Always love seeing breeder queen boob closeups


Is someone there spying? There is hoof mark dent in the ground only belongs to the " horse" type family in the animal kingdom.


Does anyone wonder if Eva will have kids soon?


Is the new important character the new consort or the other twin sister?

Michael S Marks

The queen is scheming. Things are about to get interesting. Wonder if the horse species in the last panel is Adam, or Adam's replacement? Given the horse shoe and eventually spaced nail markings on the ground, it would have to be someone still normal horse, or converted to a breeder.

Julian Hartmann

I fear this will be a sad ending.... (._. )


So if there wanting to building their kingdom what does that mean for vodka and bukka ever since the first issue they wanted to destroy the entire species ,but now they want to work alongside them what if something bad happens like one of the girls betrays the queen what does that mean for vodka and bukka will they have to start all over with killing the breeders again?

Wilson Bennett

Not sure what to think of this, will wait and see


So whats Xbabe gonna do after the comic is all done :3


Is this fore-shadowing that we might see a new transformation for the Queen?


Oho! Might we be seeing an Emperess soon? ;) Either way things are getting very interesting! I'm very excited to see what you have next for us ^^ also that shot of the queen from below is just *chef kiss*.


Personally, at this point I really wish the series would start to wrap up and draw to a close. As much as I love the characters I am growing tired of the drawn out plot. The storyline just keeps going with no end in sight and at some point it will get boring. Please give us an idea of where this series is going...


Does this mean she’ll somewhat turn into a bigger alien mutant queen something like transform into like every Breeder/Human-Queen?


Vodka and Bukka already accepted their fate as Breeders, although they still want to keep some kind of balance and make sure their loved ones are safe. However, there's no need to worry about the new Breeder queens (Vodka's daughters) betraying their grandmother: such thing won't happen because there's an actual connection between, just like a natural law.


A new comic, of course! I have plenty of new ideas in mind (Hunting Day 2, Jackal Girl, a Werewolf-themed comic, etc) although we'll decide the next one via poll. Anyways I still have to draw the rest of this project's paths, although they'll be shorter than this one :)


That's a very good point! Haha thank you, Shrapnull :D. The Breeder Queen is surprisingly photogenic!


I have been closing every character's "arc" and now we're in the final part of this path. The next pages will finally show where the storyline is leading to, revealing the truth behind what has been happening all this time and what awaits for that world's future, closing the path.


She's planning to counter her rivals' numbers with even bigger numbers ;)


It's Adam! We haven't seen what happened to him after all these years, so he'll appear in the next page (along with a familiar face from a previous episode).


Is the Breeder Queen going to take over the world or is she going to make a truce with Nova-20?


Man Vodka's daughter is pretty cute

Ruari Reid

I'm not gonna lie for some reason I can see Vodka and Bukka keeping the peace between everyone so no war breaks out considering Vodka and Bukka aren't like the other breeders completely plus Vodka's sister, I don't see her wanting to make war with Vodka, but that's just my opinion.


The Breeder Queen wants to expand her species and take over the world (as she did with other planets in the past). However, she's currently focused on restoring her species' balance by getting rid of the opposing fake queens Adam created.