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Colors! The "Elder" Breeder Queen and one of her heirs finally meet each other. Eva still has plenty of things to learn about her role and her instincts won't be enough for that (given the events taking place in that planet), but she'll have a good mentor to ensure the species' survival.

If Eva accepts that offer, the Breeder species will meet a new form of hierarchy for the first time in its existence...



Klesk Vadrigaar

So the Queen wants to tie up loose ends then leave her species in the capable hands of a new generation reared by her allies. Gotta respect her appreciation for Vodka and Bukka's efforts and trust of what they've produced.

BossMajor 345

What is our glorious queen's plan?

Thorny One

Man that sunset is gorgeous!


I’m guessing that crack too the head was the cause of ADAM!

Michael S Marks

Love the scene. The old generation passing on future leadership to the next generation. Providing a new way to lead in the future. Very powerful and touching. Love the character designs, but you absolutely killed the background. That sunset scene is something to behold.


Hey Xpray, there's a minor text error in the final panel. "Rise your own hive" should be "raise your own hive". Loving the colors in this one! Hoping that Eva eventually calls the Breeder Queen 'Grandma' or something similar. ♥️


So...is the queen coming back to her hive?


What crack to the head? The only crack i see is from one of her bicep horns and slight wing tears.

Wilson Bennett

Not sure what to think of this, I guess only time will tell how this all works out


Although I can see how the queen was Arrogant in the first couple of comics, Considering her age she must contain a good amount of Wisdom


tini tiny crack in the middle of the head


The plot thickens!

Ruari Reid

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute. She said false Queens need to learn their place besides the ones that separated that would include Vodka and Bukka but I don't think their included in the Queens quest....or are they? Nah probably not. 🤔


Why doesn't the Resistance leave the planet?


All those years alone. Poor Queen her Breeding instincts must have been killing her that whole time ;W;

Sebastian delaBarra

Is it me or did you actually aged the Queen a bit? Feels like it! And so the torch is passed from elder to heir...

Julian Hartmann

But does that mean the Queen will actually die or can she still be someone's private desire processing unit?


Vodka isn't a queen, and she did carry the royal progeny to term so she and the Queen are square. Bukka however...


The Queen lives! It's great to see her again ^w^ I can see you've roughed her up a bit more from the sketch, those injuries look pretty nasty. She seems in good spirits all things considered. Lovely work! I like the choice of the dawn setting, it's very appropriate ^^


Wonder if wings can be repaired


She's starting all over again, creating a whole new hive after finding a proper consort.


Exactly! Also, her encounter with Vodka changed the way she thinks a lil bit.


The Breeder Queen noticed Bukka has no plans to expand her hive and claim leadership over the Breeder species (unlike the other false queens), so she considered her neutral or perhaps a "passive" ally. Also, she's very grateful towards Bukka for protecting Vodka and the future queens, so the bunny is safe :)


Because Nova's government has vanished, leaving its population completely helpless. The Resistance knows their chances are very low, but they want to protect everyone while they can.


It's almost scary to imagine the Breeder Queen so terribly pent-up after such a long time! Here's hoping her future consort can "survive" their first day together :O


Yes! The last few years didn't treat her well. She has been fighting and hiding alone since the last time we saw her, unable to rest or eat properly and waiting for a proper time to reappear. For that reason she's thinner, full of scars and her face shows signs of aging and tiredness :<


She won't die, but her lifespan will shorten. Anyways, don't forget Breeders can live for many, many centuries.


Yeah! Life has treated her badly after her final encounter with Adam and her body paid the consequences, but her determination remains unbroken and she's still full of energy to finish what she started. Thank you so much! I think the dawn setting is very symbolic, besides fitting for that situation :)


Exactly! The Breeder Queen gives priority to her species' survival at any cost, and for that reason she thinks she still has to do one "final effort" before leaving the species in good hands, besides making sure her heir (or in this case, heirs) are in a good position to rule. Also, she's very grateful towards Vodka and Bukka for taking good care of the future queens, which is the biggest favor they could do for the entire species.


They took all the ships so the 1% wealthiest people can live and the rest to starve, die or be turned to breeders since it is a lot cause of a planet and there is no cure.


She does not look thin though, more like the same obvious female breeder thickness you can expect to me.


Anyone notice how Eva has a shark tail suddenly when she didn’t in the last one


I'm sure she'll give him a 0.05 second warning before jumping on him

Michael S Marks

Noticed one thing. In some of the panels, the spike on her right shoulder is broken off some, while in others it isn't. Still a great page, just wanted you to know.


Are female breeders born with a shade of lipstick on their lips or different coloured lip traits?