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Colors! Bukka and Vodka's life as Breeders is surprisingly busy (specially for the shark girl), but drastic times call for drastic measures. Nova's population is passing through weird times, and they're no exception.

However, one of Vodka's daughters is about to make a big decision. After so many years under her mother and Bukka's protection, she has the feeling something or someone awaits her out there...

I hope you like her design! On a side note, the newest -colored- page of "Our Big Day" is almost complete and I will post it here tomorrow :)



Thorny One

I absolutely love how this came out. Her design is wonderful and I love the concept at play in the story here


Vodka does not have the stamina of the former queen. Lol


How did the Alpha get his eye scratched? I do not think it was there before.


Yeah, the scratch already appeared in Episode III. The Alpha is really agressive (even towards other Breeders, sometimes), so he probably got into a fight where he got injured.


Vodka's daughter looks awesome.


I Love the Sex Addicted Shark!!!

BossMajor 345

If that person waiting is some insane horse guy don't give in to his temptations and lies~.... If she runs in to the former breeder Queen, say hi I hear she's really nice :3. Vodka's daughter looks so cool, I'm excited to see what you have planned for her in the future

Wilson Bennett

You've got me on eggshells (is that the expression) I'm dying to know what the heir plans to do. I'm hoping for a positive outcome with Bukka and Vodka's influence paying off but I do understand that the young queen's instinct might just send things back to the way they used to be, or something.

Wilson Bennett

I love the panel of Bukka and Vokda sleeping together, Queen and consort


So Volka get 2 to 3 breeders a day, plus the Alpha for fun. I wonder how Bukka handles Vodka's twins, and her personal sex life?

James Reese

Vodkas daughter is amazing:D I can see both her Lineage of the Breeder Queen and appearance of her birth mother:3 The queen is going to be really happy to see her ^~^ Great work as always my friend! Also I am a question for the mighty space captain vodka. What was the Greatest “ Booty “ you ever plundered as a Space Pirate ;) ?

Fleur Dryke

I'm still wondering where the daughter is going.


With the way bunnies multiply, I'm surprised the whole den isn't filled to the brim.

Ruari Reid

Oh no why do I have a bad feeling about the daughter. She's up to something no good..............I love it. 😍


Oh shit here we goooooo :D I certainly do like the daughters design! She's got a cool mix of Vodka and the Queen to her; especially colourwise. I think the pointy ears are unique as well ^^ Now we wait to see what she has planned..., and potentially where the other daughter is

Sebastian delaBarra

Vodka is pretty much in heaven now eh? Endless sex for days! ... also looks like some inherited quite a bit from mom!


Glad you like her! We'll also see her sister in one of the upcoming pages :3


Thank you, James! I'm so glad you like her :) About your question, Vodka was lucky to plunder plenty of great "Booty" during her years as a space pirate! She will never forget that night dealing with a rival pirate bear... or perhaps it was her first encounter with an alien? That's something I should draw someday :D


She had many, many more Breeders! It's just that I wasn't able to fill the page with them due to lack of time ;-;


Thank you! It was really fun to mix traits of both characters (with a subtle hint of the Alpha's traits) in a Breeder-based character. We'll meet the other daughter soon, in completely different -and unexpected- circumstances ;)


Haha indeed! I think she deserves a good time after all the crazy situations she had to go through And yeah! Lets hope -or not?- she also inherited her mom's pearly white fangs :O


I wonder if a new character will come in and save the day or something.


what if there’s a cure to turn back but transform into a breeder again can they interbreed


Normal breeder regardless of looks cannot knock up queens and any normal females,right?