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Colors! Nirvana offering the best goodies as always, doesn't matter if it's today's menu, a good drink or anything else included as part of the club's services. Also, this is pretty much the view her hubby Max wakes up to every morning :P


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BossMajor 345

Big Snake wife requires a WHOLE LOT OF LOVING

Evelia Zara

The more I see this big snake lady, the more I love her. <3


max is one hell of lucky guy

Michael S Marks

Hopefully we will see more of her in the future. Max is such a lucky guy. I personally wouldn't mind being wrapped up in those coils with her large, full kegs in my face.

Fen Longpaw

Never thought I'd be examining the rump curves on a snake, but I'm plenty okay with this development. She looks even better in color!

Julian Hartmann

How long is this snek she could make a nice 9 meter dakimakura or so...


Definitely, definitely gotta agree with ya, Xpray...she IS the biggest breast gal you've ever drawn. Second place to that would be Auuren, yeah? Very sexy AF, and that "C'mere," face Nirvana is sporting makes the piece that much more hot, heh heh heh ^w^.

Klesk Vadrigaar

I cannot get enough of this girl!


Gorgeous! You're getting really good at rendering soft fleshyness; what I would give to be able to hug her :3


Soooo many curves \^D^/


Thank you, Shrapnull! I'm trying tricks to make the roundest parts as soft/fleshy looking as possible :D


Glad you like her! :D And yeah! Definitely Aurenn if she's particularly "excited" and/or productive up there. Otherwise, the second place would be for Max's mom or the Breeder Queen :3


At first I thought of something like 11,4 ft (3,4 meters) when I created her, but she's actually muuuuuch longer than that :x Longest dakimakura ever~


That's the plan! We'll see more of her in the future, for sure ;)


Oh, right...forgot about them two, heh heh. I'm sure Max's mom is very happy he wound up with a big lady like Nirvana regardless :-3


She's an expert at everything BIG! Just like Eve <3


Definitely the curviest of my characters! At least when Aurenn isn't expecting~ :3

Sebastian delaBarra

Curious on how ya gunna show preg belly behind those bazonkas. Still tbis looks hella great!


I know May-ternity isn't for a while, but do you know which character you are going to give the spotlight to ^W^?


I'm not sure yet x3. Probably Aurenn, the Breeder Queen or someone else!


Nirvana will need a BIG belly where she can rest those bazonkas. A good art-related challlenge! :o