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Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you enjoyed the holidays, or at least managed to relax/find some peace during the final days of that year That-Must-Not-Be-Named.

Check your inbox! December's rewards have been sent to all patrons whose pledge went through. Please remember to grab your rewards before the end of the month! If your pledge went through and you haven't received your pack yet, if you have questions or if you're having any kind of issue with the links/files, please let me know and I'll be more than glad to help you!

All those patrons with their pledge still in "pending" state, do NOT worry: you will receive the rewards as soon as it gets processed. Remember, pledges that have been declined for multiple months in a row without any kind of communication/notification will be removed.

I hope you enjoy the rewards. Thank you so much for your kind, always generous support! It really means so much to me and I appreciate it a lot! <3


Reminder about videos:

My videos' structure is being improved for learning/tutorial purposes, pointing out every phase of the drawing process to give the viewer a better idea of how I organize myself to complete my pictures. I'll improve this feature with the time to make it more instructive!


What to expect this month (and year)?

-Last Survivor - Final Episode: Two new pages/updates for this "Choose your path" Flash adventure! It's time to see what's going to happen to planet Nova and everyone's life now that the Queen has disappeared, while Bukka and Vodka begin a new life away from civilization. Everything is according to plan for someone...

I'll also try to sketch that sneak peek of what's to come in the next paths! Path A1(1) will meet its conclusion soon and I'll create a poll to decide what path we should finish after that. Keep in mind the next paths will be shorter!

Additionally, I'm working on a HTML5 version of this project, now that Adobe Flash is dead. If everything goes well it'll be available not just for PC, but for Android devices too. I'll keep you updated very soon!

-Pictures: Two new pinups! One of them features Wennie, continuing my New Year tradition and pleasing her public's eyes with some nice moves. The second pinup hasn't been decided yet, although it might be the winner option of my most recent poll or something completely different. I also have lots of good ideas in mind for something elegant and very alluring at the same time.

-Series - Our Big Night: Page 17 of this series featuring Max and Nirvana. We're hitting the final scenes, although this lovely couple still has a few surprises to show us!

Before this series is over, I'll create another poll to decide the next comic/series. I think you'll like some of the new comic ideas I have in mind :)

-Side Sketches, Animations, etc: The most voted options of my recent polls and other surprises! I also want to continue that "Queen & Xpray" animation that I have in the works, besides other sketches and colored versions of things I have in the works.

Additionally I want to keep working on more animations this year, now that I'm getting the hang of it. I know I'll be able to finish them much faster with a bit more of experience.

-3D Models: This is one of my personal goals for this year. I'm a completely newbie at 3D modelling, so I'm planning to devour tutorials and finally get to create my first 3D model. I don't want to hit next year without creating a 3D version of one of my characters, so we'll see how it goes :P

-Polls and other content: As always, polls to decide new pictures, ideas, animations or projects that are coming soon, besides what characters will appear in them!


Thank you so much for a great month and a year full of content! I'll keep you updated with possible new ideas for projects, WIPs, surprises and other things! Please stay safe <3

Also, new content coming this weekend!



Molly McAllister

Have you considered what you're going to do with 'Last Survivor' now that Flash is EoL?


Of course! I'm currently working on a HTML 5 version made with Adobe InDesign, which will look more like an interactive comic and it will keep the in-game conversations, gallery and Wiki/Codex features. It can be viewed in any Internet browser and Android devices. I'm currently working on it, so I'll show a preview/demo very soon :)