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Colors! The next generation of queens are finally here... with all it entails. Too bad the Breeder Queen isn't there to see such thing happening, specially since this is the first time the species sees twin queens.

However... what's so special about one of those eggs? Why are the Breeder Queen and her sons so concerned about it? That's one of the many surprises that will be unveiled soon!



BossMajor 345

Awwww I like how this turned out. The future queens are in good hands ❤️. Also fuck the king, he's a dick!


I wonder what made the egg special? The alpha breeder waa just a regular alpha that impregnated her, so it must be something about vodka? Maybe? Sexy shark powers XD?


will bukka’s eggs be popping out of her anytime soon!


Aww Mama Shark.

Wilson Bennett

Very sweet last panel, still holding my breath over how this will end especially since I've seen the "in between" scenes from the game on this path


Man path a is long, I wonder if there was ever a path c ever considered, I know there’s a b I believe

Fleur Dryke

This has certainly been an exciting path.


Perhaps one of them will have the inexplicable power to keep summoning sunglasses. :p All in all though, an absolutely lovely update. I love the last panel especially. :)


Makes me wonder, is bukka going to take command of the hive/swarm, or will vodka will? to elaborate the question, whos taking the title "Queen/Empress" and/or dominating the hive mind


There is an error, Bukka breeder teeth are not in the art


She's gonna become addicted to becoming a mother repeatedly


when is the child of bukka ?

Ruari Reid

Ahhh shit a child is special this is going to be good. 👏


Vodka looks very proud! It's certainly been a long time coming :) I'm looking forward to seeing exactly what's up with the two queens. Is there an estimate on how many pages we have left on this path?


Even better than sexy shark powers :P. We'll -finally- see her soon, in the final page of this path!


Path A1(2) and Path B will be much shorter than this one. I have considered a Path C too, although it'll have a sudden "bad choice" ending.


Thanks! And yeah haha, looks like summoning glasses is one of Vodka's secret superpowers :P


Bukka will take the hive's reins at least until the Breeder Queen appears (if such thing happens). Vodka can't take command because she's not a queen, but a hybrid who acts as a "Royal host" for those special twins she's carrying.


Between 5-7 pages I think, although I'm not completely sure to be honest. I'd prefer to keep it shorter but the next few pages are going to have massive revelations, including a timeskip and a completely new setting. I can't wait to draw those :)