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Inks and colors next! The Breeder Queen's legacy is finally seeing the sunlight... although one of those two Royal eggs is hiding something "special", or at least strange enough to concern all the Breeders around them.

What kind of future awaits for them?



Michael S Marks

You just love to keep us is suspense don't you. Just let us know whats going to happen already!! The new page looks like its going to be great, keep up the great work.


Sad to see vodka lose her big belly, but those breeders faces are hella funny, it's like they're insure of where these eggs came from


Strange egg? Cross my fingers it's a futa, it would be special, a self producing queen


When is Bukka starting her laying?


The legacy has been saved.


Liking what’s happening!!!

Julian Hartmann

Finally! Another closeup of Vodka's sexy teeth!


So it finally came to this...though why skip the egg laying scene?

Wilson Bennett

Love the last panel of the two together like that. I want to know what this secret is and what it will mean. I trust this not to be a cruel or downer twist ending


The first panel is super sweet :3 it's an interesting shot as well! This is looking like it will be quite a cute page :)


we should see those two love mammals taking a bath


I'm guessing the twin queens have an extreme version of the telepathy between them. Two bodies, but one shared mind.


Seal*: Mmm'Egg


I know there's a lot of people don't enjoy that kind of scenes, or they consider them a bit too "extreme". Also, I have lots of fun drawing eggs and gravid characters... but I must admit I'm not a big fan of drawing explicit scenes of the egg laying process x3


Haha! Well, those Breeders are really concerned about what's hiding inside that egg in particular. They can feel something... very unusual about it.


Thank you! We'll see a lot of surprises and revelations being unveiled in the next pages :)


Btw, are not Bukka and Vokda are married by the breeder queen by semen smell of episode 1?