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First of all: Happy Thanksgiving day, if you celebrate it! 🎉

Minicomic time! Second -and final- part of this short comic featuring Xpray in his weredragon form and Adriana, who's trying to get a drop or two of his essence to make fertility potions... perhaps for business (they sell well!) or for personal use.

I hope you like it! I'd love to color it in the future if possible :3




Kha'Zak totally not ticked that Weredragon Xpray put a clutch in his wife lol.


Xpray is an amazing mother maker, but I don't think he'd make a good father, I think it's time for some omelets

BossMajor 345

Would love to see more wheredragon Xpray in the future maybe a full transformation sequence in the future?


I'd actually like to see the effects of that portion, may be because it was xprays cum, the babies that come from use of the potion look like him? Making him an indirect father to dozens of babies

Thorny One

A colored version of this would be the best thing ever. Christmas present maybe?


The all three went playing volleyball together on the same team last summer, and now they are sharing Adriana, Kha'Zeks wife. That makes them brothers or something? XD She bouth got more the enough Sperm for her potions, and some big eggs. Well she is ready for Easter. Great minecomic Xpray! :D


who wouldn’t want to bang her both slim and pregnant


the pose in the first panel is so good

Wilson Bennett

Yes I'd love to see this minicomic colored

Julian Hartmann

Man, Xpray is a fasion beast, that jacket...♥ Also there can never be enough "NNGRRPHH!", moar of that please....


Is it wrong that I'm wondering what Aurenn would make of all of this?


Aaawkwaaard~ I don't think Xpray's gonna be on the christmas card list this year :P KhaZak flexing his gentlemanlyness with that extended pinky is super cute :3 and the basket presentation is delightfully passive aggressive! Is the basket being foreshortend? It does look quite big relative from it's position on the table to the characters imo Thanks for making this :) It's always cool to see KhaZak and Adriana and I'm a sucker for these little glimpses into characters lives so this was a nice treat!


Aw, that sucks mate. Having the best Nut of your life with a sexy goat milf and you can't even get the satisfaction to relive the moment mentally


Who knows! Perhaps that volleyball picture takes place after this minicomic, which would mean that Xpray and Kha'Zak managed to become good friends after these events XD Glad you like it! :D


Glad you like it! It has been a while since the last time I drew a pose like that, so it was pretty fun :)


I'm curious about that, too! She's a broodmother after all... so anything related to eggs is her speciality.


I'm innocent! And yeah, Kha'Zak is surprisingly gentleman-ish haha. About the basket, it's crazy big because weredragon eggs are MASSIVE. You're welcome! I'm a big fan of "slice of life" scenes that show more about a character's life and how they act in different situations.


Perhaps Adriana will try to give him a good glimpse of that day, in the future :)


Xpray should be careful, a pissed off Greater demon is no joke!


I'll do my best to color it next month and/or in January, if time allows!


I bet! Though how does Xpray not know about his condition you think you'd notice after a bit that you turn into a massive breeding durgon?


She's always thinking of others, even in the original comic.


Is she aware of her brother's were-dragon tendencies?


Who knows! Perhaps that was one of his first times turning into a Weredragon, so he wasn't fully aware of that "curse" yet.


This is a possibility he does look kinda young in this pic even though I have no idea what his age is in said pic lol.