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Colors! Bukka's loyal "servant" is bringing something we thought she lost at the beginning of this episode... However, it looks like she has wasted such a good chance... or perhaps not?

One or two more pages before this path's short epilogue, which will be full of plot twists and revelations about certain character... besides the future that awaits for everyone in that planet (including sexy stuff)!

On a side note, the next colored page of "Our Big Day" is almost complete and it will be posted tomorrow! (Tuesday).



Fleur Dryke

well, She sure got Adam's attention. And here I thought that hit was intentional


note is the sexy stuff coming on the next path or in this path


A miniature toy gun oh lords XD


Well at the very least his balance and ability to reach altitude is hindered ^w^"

Klesk Vadrigaar

I wonder if it's really due to her hands.The first ever issue showed her using some pretty hefty hand cannons so there's some argument that it might just be because she's used to more recoil and punch from her firearms.


After watching Adam getting his wing shot off my literal brain is now clashing with the universe logic of this story after realizing that their is no way those paper bug wings are heaving all that muscle-mass and large breeding assets of all these characters off the ground in the first place.


I think you mean epilogue


"Now prepare to!!!" - NUT


Lol I legit wanted to post the link to that video

Wilson Bennett

hopefully the loss of flight control will help stop him


A few sexy scenes in this path, and then new/different sexy situations in the next paths.


You're right! Thanks for the heads up, I just fixed that.


Logic would dictate yes, but Xpray so far loves making him as overpowered as heck.

clive silverson

wish there is a path where all the queens submit to his huge cock~ like a massive breeder orgy! but so far this looks super great. keep it up~!


@Valeur: Trust me, he'll get what he deserves soon... along with a big revelation and thus, the reason why I'm still keeping him alive/active.