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Colors! My second fully-finished animation, which was much more complex than the first one! I'm learning more and more tricks every time I work on these, so it's such a fun and educational experience at the same time.

She's a slightly younger version of the werewolf lady I draw every year for Halloween. I hope you like it! And of course, I'm always open to suggestions and criticism to improve the next animations :3




We would really want to see that maybe an animated loop or a short scene i would pay for that


Hell yeah! Big, bouncy wolfess tits for the sexy win! Great work here, Xpray! Looking forward to the next hot-ass animation you come up with ;-3 .

Fen Longpaw

Wouldn't have been opposed to you actually going older for her, giving a bit more swing to animate :3 However I also know that would be significantly harder just because of the dynamics of "less than taught" tissue. Still great, especially as a second major animation project


////w//// she's so beautiful! Can she make me a werewolf?


I fear she might smack herself in the face if this was her older self.


What pack is she in and can I join it!!!!!

Michael S Marks

She looks great. Wouldn't mind those hitting me in the face, might break my neck, but then again I could die happy. No better way to die than surrounded by bouncing wolf titties.

Kalani Bluesturm

I don't know why, but for some reason i imagine an animation ne done about the breeder queen alongside queen bukka and queen vodka as if inviting you to join their hive


Magnificent work! It's such a treat to see your art in motion! <3


*Mwah* Beautiful craftsmanship, I can see looked over each little detail to give us nothing but the best.


Beautiful. I'm gonna have to try running it through DainApp to see if the framerate can be boosted, but she be a heccin beauty as is


Hot damn! I’d like to see Aurenn bouncing up and down like that! But from just a bit further back in perspective that way not only do we get to see the magnificent quad boobies bounce but her girthy she cock flopping around as well! But then again I can’t resist that giant sexy dragoness. 😍😉


Nicely done.

Julian Hartmann

Language wasn't designed to be able to express my feelings when seeing this.... ♥♥♥


Yes I love it please do more


*thumbs up with a nosebleed*


She's amazing!


This is impressive! If you don't mind I do have some thoughts: https://pastebin.com/FpWqwjtM Again great job :) your effort's definately paid off! If you feel I'm talking nonsence don't be afraid to say.


I wonder what she's bouncing on (or who?)


Wow...this is gorgeous. You're getting really good at this!


Thank you! I'd love to make it happen again soon <3


Thanks, Chalupa! It was a pleasure to work on this animation. Also, I learned a lot of new tricks from it :D


I'm planning to draw an animation of her soon! It'll be a bit challenging, so I need to learn a bit more since she has PLENTY of bouncy parts <3


Really good tips/thoughts, I'll take good note of them. Thank you so much for sharing them, Shrapnel!


Thanks! I can't wait to start working on the next one :D


Wish I could see what she was bouncing on :o


Is she jumping or standing up while having sex?