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Hello folks! First of all -and now that 2016 is here- I hope you have a happy new year!

A lot of things have happened since the day I started this Patreon back in 2015. Thanks to you, it has been a wonderful, productive year and I have been really excited to share my new ideas and projects with you all, besides making them become a reality, which is what really  matters!

I have no words to express how flattered I am to have grown this Patreon with you and make all this new content possible. You have been very generous with your support and it means A LOT to me. Thank you so much <3

What's next?

This year I'd like to make my Patreon a bit more interactive and let you choose more often what content you'd like to see next. In fact, I have a lot of new sketches/doodles that I'll post soon (some of them involving characters from my last poll) and I'll let you choose which one you want to see finished first.

I have so many new pictures ideas I don't even know where to start from! So that's always a good thing.

New Content/Tiers

I'm seriously considering doing those "Ask my characters" picture things. I think it would be a fun experience for all :). Besides that, I might end up doing streams once I upgrade my CPU.


The third episode of my Last Survivor comic will be completed this year. Something big is going to happen in the story and I'm planning to start a poll soon so you can suggest a proper fate Bukka and Vodka. That way, I'll make sure the comic takes the route you really want to.

Episode IV? I don't know yet, but If it happens, it will be the last episode of the series and where everything will come to an end. Part of me would be curious about turning it into a Visual novel so you can choose your own story, but that's another project and it's still too soon to talk about it.

After Last Survivor Episode III, I have a few good ideas for new comics: Porny noir story, demon summoning ritual, farm/milk factory themes,  a solo comic involving Lady Xpray... and more. It would be interesting to let you choose which one you like the most.

Animations and Games

Those milestone goals haven't been reached yet, but I have a few plans here and there :P. Animations and -specially- games would be something I'd work on between comics. I'm still not sure if my first game would be a furry (adult oriented) old-school RPG or a porny Visual Novel/Dating sim.

Previous Rewards

I have been getting a lot of messages about this, which is something I completely understand. If everything goes well, I'll update my "previous rewards" system this month and let you donate directly for any month you have missed, or maybe create a new/updated tier that gives you access to previous content. Stay tuned.

Stay safe, see you all next week when I get back home from these mini-holidays and I hope you have the wonderful 2016 you deserve!

(And yes, yes... that picture is just filler stuff to make this post a bit prettier :P. Wennie's new yearly picture will be posted here next week!)




Happy new year and i reeeeeeally approve of that picture