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Inks and colors next! It has been a while since the last time I drew action scenes, so drawing this page was really refreshing. Don't worry, there won't be blood, violence or stuff like that :3

Vodka is going "berserk mode" after learning about Bukka's fate and how Adam has doomed the entire Breeder species by creating multiple queens. Sadly, her gravid state doesn't allow her to be as agile as she used to, although she's much stronger now.

The Breeder Queen will have something important to say in the next page!




Hoho cant wait for the next page


Rip and Tear!


I'm really hoping we get a branch where as a result of this fight Adam breeds Bukka. Give in, Sharktits. <3


Too slow... Adam, she is carrying TWO Queens, barely woke up from stasis, and is getting her footing to her new transformation pretty quickly . I say you got extremely lucky there bud.


Oh! Don't forget Adam already did that in the first act of this path :) This is the last time we saw Bukka, after her encounter with him: https://www.patreon.com/posts/last-survivor-ep-12379144

James Reese

Slow ?! Oh you just wait Adam Vodka is going easy on you .shes just getting warmed up to her new beautiful body >:3 also I really love the angles in this :D most impressive.


I can't wait to see how hard Vodka kick him in the nuts for touching Bukka. He's gonna get his punishment soon enough. I wonder how Vodka would react if Bukka was spared from Adam?


Bukka managed to knock him out before she became a breeder, so in theory this should be easy for her.


k heres somethin funny, *Ahem*.........BREEEDER FIIIIIGHTT!!!!

Julian Hartmann

Adam uses competence! It's super effective! "Huh, why did I never use that before?"


YES! Bukka SMASH! You go girl! OHKO that punk! *ahem* Well, seeing this page got me a little riled up. ^_^; Loving it already, it's great to see another action scene! I also find it really cool that you've made everything look so intense without resorting to gore or the like. :D


Thanks! It's always refreshing to draw action scenes with dynamic poses/angles and stuff like that :D


Thank you! Lets hope Vodka's gravid state doesn't become a nuisance for her in this short fight :3