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Important! Remember February's rewards will be delivered this week on March 5th (Thursday) or 6th (Friday). 

Interspecies relationships have many perks, including height/size difference... which can make things really interesting! If we also add the fact Nirvana was blessed with a beyond average bust, her rat husband Max has many reasons to be particularly happy...

However, Nirvana is about to receive a pleasant surprise!




Them huge snek tiddies are gonna tenderize that rat....hehehe x-3. But, what does Max have up his sleeve to give Nirvana a rustle in her panties ;-3 ?


If that bust is like that normally imagine how big they'll get when she be having the Rat boi's kids!

Klesk Vadrigaar

He'll be happy so long as she knows how to control those fangs...unless her venom has properties that are more pleasant than lethal. It's always a possibility!

BossMajor 345

Lovely perks for the both of them to enjoy

Julian Hartmann

Gosh, I hope those fangs are have a nice, big stockpile of poison connected to them. Remember: You can't milk a snake for milk but you can do so for poison.


The giveaway, if we're going to be somewhat anatomically accurate, would be larger cheeks, which contain the venom glands. So... she doesn't look particularly cheeky. Interesting idea, but Xpray would have to overcome that logic point in order to make it work out now, or else go back and redo his earlier drawings... which he likely doesn't want to do.


Hmm, if ima imagine this one's thoughts going on in his head, itd be this: "....D-d...did i just die and go to heaven...? cause i dont wanna live anymore" XD


Wait, they were dating for how long, and they never did this?


Max and Nirvana already had sex plenty of times, but they never had oral sex before (although they have been toying with that idea for a long time).


Haha wow! I hope she can pass through doors after that :P


Probably something proportional to add even more spice to their size difference >:3