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Important! Remember December's rewards will be delivered tomorrow! (January 6th). Don't forget to check your private messages. 

Time to start the new year strong! 2019 was a good and very productive year thanks to you, so I'm aiming to make this 2020 even more productive!


As some of you may know, I have been in the middle of a move for a long time after dealing with an eviction notice. Said move is forcing me to move not just to another house, but to another city in the mainland since it's impossible to find an affordable appartment for rent without overinflated prices in my area, so it's not an easy move.

All this affected my life schedules, limited my entire work area and my production pace last year, but once I'm finally settled down in the new place (at the end of this month or early/mid February) I won't have to worry about having to spend time packing almost 30 years of junk or deal with eviction deadlines anymore. That means that I'll be able to focus on art projects at 100% without interruptions!

Boring irl stuff aside, time to talk about the art.


Back in 2019 I put a lot of focus on improving the faces I draw. This year, I'll try to play with more facial expressions, angles and body types among other things, always making sure it's something everyone enjoys. I also want to focus on improving the quality of my pin-up pictures, coloring style and backgrounds.

Besides that, I will present some new characters (one of them being a sexy doberman) and I'll put more development into the characters I already have, if you're interested on knowing more about them and/or their universe.

Also, I'll be taking and drawing new "Ask My Characters" questions again! They're a fun way to discover more about my characters and seeing them involved in crazy situations or "slice of life" moments together.

Not having to deal with moving duties anymore also means I'll have more time to try new things like animations. I already doodled some pictures that will act as a base for said animations (one of them featuring Renamon and two of Lady Xpray), so it's time to finally bring them to life with some movement. You'll see an update really soon!

Additionally, I'm going to fiddle with 3D art created with Zbrush or Blender in my free time, although I can't guarantee any results yet :P. The plan is also learning more about coding in Unity for future -game related- purposes.

About comics, I'll be finishing every one of the five "Last Survivor: Final Episode" paths (Path A1(1) is the longest one but is close to completion). My new series "Our Big Day" will meet its conclusion too, although there're still plenty of pages left since it just began! 

After "Our Big Day" there'll be a new project. However, I also have a mysterious third project codenamed "Tiger and Dragon"  in the works, which is a full comic. I'll keep you updated about it!

About streams, Discord and new features like that, I still have to consider a few things but I'm keeping all those ideas in mind, specially streaming art.

I know I probably forgot to include more plans in this list, but I'll come up with plenty of good surprises. I have so many, many ideas and projects in mind! And as always, there'll be new polls (with new options) to decide and suggest what to do next.


Thank you all for everything! As always, I'll do my best to keep providing sexy and tasteful content for everyone, besides new stories, characters and anything that can put a smile on your face.

Once again, thank you again for your continued and always greatly appreciated support. My best wishes and I hope you all have an amazing 2020!

New pin-up tomorrow :D




I wish you the best of luck with this move, and all your other major changes! It can not be easy having this happen to you, but I believe you will have a great year! New year, new beginnings right? Happy new year!


Sorry to hear about your worries, but hopefully this year will better and I look forward to seeing what you produce. :3

BossMajor 345

Happy you're able to find a place where you can live comfortably with out the worry of eviction. Hope too see what comes this year ❤️


I’d buy her ALL the drinks <3

Fleur Dryke

Xpray, best luck with moving, being safe and everything else. once you are settled, then focus on us.

Julian Hartmann

I'm glad you got that moving stuff figured out now. Hope you'll have a peaceful life from here on out.


Best of luck at the new place and here's hoping 2020 is a good year for ya. I so badly wanna suck on those tits! And/or bury my head between those thighs (and suck on whatever's between them ;) ) Also, still hoping for Hunting Day 2 ;D


Oof, I had no idea about the eviction notice. I'm sorry to hear about that, but I'm really glad you're on the verge of getting settled again. Here's hoping this year will be a much smoother one for you. :) Thanks so much for all the amazing stuff you created in 2019. 2020 sounds like it's gonna be even more awesome, and I'm very excited to see what you come up with! :D Happy New Year! :D


Thank you so much, Flipsyde! Happy New Year to you too! :D


Thanks! If everything goes well I'll be able to settle down soon. Here's hoping this 2020 is a good year for you too :) I also hope you're hungry, she's quite a generous lady in all those departments! And of course, I didn't forget about that comic at all! In fact, it's still in the Top 3 of my "To do" list for future projects :D


Thanks! It shouldn't take me more than 1-2 days to be back in action after moving, but anyways I'll make sure I have new content ready to upload while I move to the new place :)


I have plenty of good art-related ideas in mind for this year, so I can't wait to share them! :D And thanks! It's a relief after such a long time worrying about eviction.


Thank you! I must admit it wasn't easy at all (specially at first), but I'm glad it's almost over. Starting all over can be a refreshing experience. Happy New Year to you too!