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Colors! The Queen is getting to enjoy an unexpected sight which will lead the broodmother alien to her climax. That's what we'll see in the next page, followed by an interesting turn of events!

Bukka and Adam are still around... :3



Fleur Dryke

Mmmf, Vodka seems to be going on her team now, but lustful


Damn, this page is full of sexy & juiciness, hehehe x-3


Eventhough the Queen would be really against it, I'm a big fan of having more Queens (Drama keeps the story going~ Oh! Having a little after series of Queens fighting for territory and new hive members would be really cool! I guess like a Game of Thrones but with Breeders >w<)


Intriguing. What are you plotting, Vodka?


I think this may have been asked like a long time ago, but is this set in the universe where Max and Nirvana are married but the breeders haven't shown up yet or is this like an alternate timeline. seeing Madame Laura just sparked my curiosity ^W^

Julian Hartmann

I wonder if your work would upset moral guardians, Xpray, it makes civil war appear to be something exciting, desirable and hawt. (ツ) Just makes me hope Adam manages to be even more unfaithful than we saw so far... Slight writting flub: You put two "my" for the noun "tongue" in Vodka's final thought box.


Uh oh, bad thought occurred. If Bukka is mid-flight to the hive at the moment (presumably in her new queen state) is there going to be a queen fight between her and Vodka?


Well! While Bukka is a Queen now, Vodka is a hybrid/corrupted shark (not a queen), so there's no competition between them. However, Vodka will have to choose if she wants to remain loyal to the Breeder Queen or her beloved bunny friend.