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Inks! Colors next! Some of the final scenes before the Queen's climax, which will lead to an unexpected reunion and something big happening...




Lots of queen titty in this panel, heh heh heh x-3

Julian Hartmann

Random Guess time! The reason Xpray didn't put a Nirvana cameo in the first panel: He doesn't know how how to draw her breasts after the breederfication induced size upgrade.


Me oh my do I spy a busty Aureen in the back.


Hmmm. Makes me curious. If the type B reproductive fluids induce a mutation, as do the Queen's own, with what happened to Adam...what happens when you're exposed to both?


Oh! All Breeders' reproductive fluids induce a mutation as long as there's sexual intercourse :) In a case like that, the Queen's own would take priority since her genes are stronger.