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Inks! Colors next! I haven't drawn Renamon since April, so it's being such a pleasure to draw her again :D



BossMajor 345

This is so sexy and I love the way you draw Renamon, next are we going to see Krystal Cos playing as Rena?


I like that idea, would like to see it happen


Data Log: After 32 Days of searching I have finally found A Krystal Renamon. With the exchange of names I told her mine was (insert name), she said hers was |01100011|01100001|01101011|01100101|0000110, but that I could call her Cake after her favorite food. Will continue talking with Cake to further understand how Digimon thrive in the digital world. ^W^


Probably, although I have a third character in mind ;)


Thanks Xpray, I wanted to give her a sweet as a name as the memories that Digimon gave me when I would catch them on JetX.