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Important! October's rewards will be delivered this week on November 6th (Wednesday) or 7th (Thursday). Sorry for the 1 day delay! My flight back home was delayed and I lost a day of work.

Colors! Page two of my new series involving Max and his snake wife Nirvana doing "just married couple" things :D

After a -probably boring- wedding ceremony, it's time for a sweet wedding night/honeymoon. It's surprising Nirvana's dress hasn't given up yet!




Strong boi


Lots of busty Xpray character guests in the background too! Nice touch ^w^. Now the honeymoon of honeymoons is about to begin ;-3

Floppy Human

What would their kids look like

BossMajor 345

I love everyone in the background. Yeah to the happy couple 🥳 now let's see them make a very big family ❤️


So Precious >w<

Julian Hartmann

Wow I didn't even notice that crowd. I guess that means all those characters live in Spain? That begs the question where ecactly the Last Survivor crashed? So this people might be marginally secure of breeder corruption for the time being... Sad...


He must have worked leg weeks to carry all that luscious beauty. =P


They look super cute together c:


I just noticed the two main characters from The Breeding Pact on the right side of the married couple.

Sebastian delaBarra

Look at our strong lad carrying his big snake wife! ALSO I HOPE THE CAKE WAS GREAT!


Hold on a minute, is it me thats noticing that she looks pregnant already....? also wow he either has some good muscles or she's lighter than a feather


Good lord the arm strength on that rat.

Klesk Vadrigaar

Small but so damn strong that rat is.


Yes! Xpray/Lady Xpray, Adriana, Kha'Zak and these two new characters live in Spain :D The Last Survivor series takes place in a planet called "Nova". We're safe for now! At least until that "distant future" arrives...


Thanks! I already feel bad for the hotel's maintenance service... >:3


That's a pretty good question. Part of me thinks the snake genes would be predominant, although some of their kids would have legs like their father. I'd have plenty of fun designing them!


He has to keep his muscles active for a good reason ;D


Given their size difference, she probably ate it all! ;-;


Yes! All the guest characters who appear there are from my newest side comics/series :)


Thats definitely a snake worth getting arm gains for haha.