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Inks and colors next! Vodka is being creative at pleasing the Queen for the last time, before their possible departure together. 

That thing is being put to its limits and it won't last long before blowing. What's Vodka planning to do with its content? I think she's about to get a bit wild...




Vodka is gonna get as wild as if she just scented blood, only it's Queenie's body & fluids she wants, huehuehue ^w^

BossMajor 345

Fuck this is getting so good, it's going to suck if we never get to see these two again being cute and sexy ;w;


I just imagine the condom poping between there bodies hehe

Fleur Dryke

uh, cum balloon as a toy? That's a new one.


Push that balloon into one of 'em, maybe the queen before it pops? Damn good stuff, mate. <3


Yeah, that'd be amazing. Get it inside her before it ruptures, knocking the queen up with it~


Love the angles here


And vodkas belly ❤️❤️❤️


This will get quite messy 😈

Julian Hartmann

Oh boy! She's actually doing pretty much exactly what I suggested!! Le happiness!

Sebastian delaBarra

🤔 now I'm even more curious. What's Vodka lil plan here? also butts and pussies wew~


This is probably one of the paths where they become closer to each other ;-;. They'll be allies in almost every path though!


Vodka is part Breeder now, which means she also goes wild when she scents certain kinds of fluids ;P