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Colors! The Breeder Queen is blushing deep red at her own thoughts... that's a good sign, in case all the leaking down there doesn't make her choices clear enough :P

Also, things are looking relatively good for Vodka. Looks like being a "Royal Host" has its advantages in comparison with the average Breeder corruption, so... while still in the Breeder side, she's going to receive upgrades that will allow her to act more wisely and in favor of both species, hopefully.

Vodka and the Queen still have a lil bit more of fun to have together, although this path is getting closer to its end. Where're Bukka or Adam after all this time?



Suia Loctis

If I could just fuck Vodka once, I'd die a happy man


I love Vodka's slow transformation! She will make one beautiful Breeder ^w^

BossMajor 345

The two seem so cute together >w< and I like seeing the queen like this


I agree, that panel made the Queen look adorable. :3

Stephen Smith

Once again, looks like you need to turn "stablishing" into "establishing" or possibly "stabilising" this time. But man, you really seem to have a thing for stablishing lately don't you? Anyway, besides that nitpicking (which someones gotta do) this look very promising indeed.

Julian Hartmann

Would be kind of a jerk move to know lift off with Adam not on the ship... But who knows what the goof is doing. Or how long this path will go on, it's the longest yet.

Sebastian delaBarra

Oh gosh didn't think Queenie could look so adorable (and a pussso wet). And imagine... Vodka becoming smart enough to rely on her brain rather than the wiki. Truly evolution of character.


I did the same mistake again?! Haha thanks for the heads up, I'm going to fix it right now X3


Oh, the Breeder Queen NEEDS to wait for Adam before leaving that place! He's her consort and she won't accept eggs from anyone else, after all. This path is surprisingly close to completion, but the best is yet to come~ :3


The Breeder Queen is a potential waifu now :P I still wonder who's the mastermind behind that wiki!