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Inks! Colors next! The passion keeps flowing between Vodka and the Queen... specially for the shark girl :P




Oh no, she's getting hotter with every page 😀


"I smell sex and milk, here...." Heh Heh x-3

Julian Hartmann

Aw no spikes yet? But the more sharp, pointy things capable of tearing through skin and flesh she has, the more I'm attracted to her. (._. ) Well, we'll get spikes and antanna, so I'll be waiting like a good boy. No horns though, queen's exclusive. (._. )


I cannot wait to see where this goes, heheh

Sebastian delaBarra

Let Vodka get as passionate as she wants. She's domming the Queen and by all rights she should be put in the wiki!


The horns must be there to give a good hint of the Breeder's power level :P