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Colors next! Vodka is managing to make a centuries-old creature moan in pleasure... while she slowly becomes the Hive's next recruit. Is it too late for her?




Queenie looks to be enjoying herself


y'know, since this is the breeder queen, she's probably loose enough that you could probably get more than two fingers in there... hm?


Surprisingly she's not that loose :P. Vodka isn't too sure about the Queen's limits, so she has to play "safe" at least for now!


I'm getting so excited! I can't wait to read the dialogue ^w^


Queenie's never been handled like this before in her sexual life ;-3

Julian Hartmann

Did you notice that I was so smitten with Vodka's sexy breeder glare I didn't even notice the lack of sexy Vodka teeth on this page? That should tell you something about how well you did. I think I watched too much Azumanga Daioh back in the day, since I keep imagine Vodka's speech bubble with an "あ".


Can't wait to see what the dialogue and colors look like. Been waiting to see what might happen with all of this since the end of the third comic. The suspense is killing me. XD

Sebastian delaBarra

Heck this is getting better the more we see it complete. It probably gunna be one of my favorite scenes out of this adventure.


All those other guard breeders must have a hard time not getting a huge desire to jerk off to that sexy lesbian action. So they all just blow their loads all over those two beautiful girls naked bodies :3


Im pretty sure the Honor/Royal guard are going to get involved eventually, am i correct or just being a fool?


Oh, there's a bit of Breeder-style fangs in the second panel! It doesn't look too clear though since she's sucking her finger there :P


Thank you! I had plenty of fun working on this page :D


Hehe I'm pretty sure they're all nervous, confused and aroused at the same time right now. Sexy lesbian action is a completely new thing to them!


Not in this path. However, Vodka will have fun with Royal guards in another path.