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Character Pinup Poll!

  • A- Toriel 97
  • B- Freya 84
  • C- Ink-Eyes 44
  • D- Felicia 71
  • E- Female Argonian 81
  • F- Female Xenomoprh 103
  • G- Female Nergigante (Muscular) 106
  • H- Salazzle 65
  • 2019-05-16
  • —2019-06-04
  • 651 votes
{'title': 'Character Pinup Poll!', 'choices': [{'text': 'A- Toriel', 'votes': 97}, {'text': 'B- Freya', 'votes': 84}, {'text': 'C- Ink-Eyes', 'votes': 44}, {'text': 'D- Felicia', 'votes': 71}, {'text': 'E- Female Argonian', 'votes': 81}, {'text': 'F- Female Xenomoprh', 'votes': 103}, {'text': 'G- Female Nergigante (Muscular)', 'votes': 106}, {'text': 'H- Salazzle', 'votes': 65}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 6, 4, 23, 2, 47, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 16, 23, 4, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 651}


Poll time! I'm currently working on next week's picture (the winner of my most recent poll), so lets choose who I should draw in one of my next pin-ups :D



..Offering up Felicia, I know it will never happen, but I can dream! lol

Shade the Raven

Freya or Nergy or Salazzle, that HAS to happen <3

Floppy Human

Fingers crossed that xenomorph or female argonian wins


Dammit Xpray, too many good choices

Xaziana Tenebris

Female argonian needs a turn, she's lost the poll far too many times, 😭 actually I don't she's EVER won the poll or even had any art done of her by xpray 💔😭💔


Oh no, horsegal didn't even make this poll? 😭

Fleur Dryke

Come on Xenomorph!


I was totally going Freya, but then I noticed "Muscular" and my decision was made for me


I'd soo love to see an argonian in your style 💖


wouldn't mind seeing ink eyes in your style but looks like it aint happening either XD


No worries, I always keep the most popular choices (second and third places) in mind for future pictures/projects :)


Not this time since it's a poll about games/movies characters! There'll be a horse in my next poll though :3

Xaziana Tenebris

You say 2nd and 3rd places, female argonian is in 5th place, 💔 but at the same time, she's never anywhere near the bottom of the poll either


Argonian is getting a lot of love and interest though, to the point it's relatively close to Freya and Toriel! For that reason, it's one of the options I'm keeping in mind for future projects/pictures or random sketches. I'd love to doodle an argonian girl this summer, if possible.