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Colors! Vodka must be pretty heavy now... even for such a titan-sized alien like the Queen.

Looks like the Breeder Queen is about to discover the wonders of love and sex beyond breeding. Will Vodka be able to execute her plan in time?

More content coming tomorrow or on Monday!



Fleur Dryke

oooh, lots of fun, and definitely a sneaky shark plan.


My what sharp fangs vodka is starting to grow :3 I wonder what she will end up doing with those >:)


How intriguing and cunning of Vodka...I can't wait to see where this goes.


Vodka's gonna show the BQ how a real lover treats her mate ;-3


Ohh, this will be good.

Julian Hartmann

The Queen is expressing the average reaction of a "normal" person reading your stuff in the middle left panel, Xpray. (._. ) Other thoughts: Geez, is Adam a kiss virgin himself? Getting kissed on his member doesn't count!

Sebastian delaBarra

Vodka might have rolled a high roll to seduce Queen. Ya know I wonder if she could actually bite through the skin even with her new lil fangys. I mean ya said yourself the Queen is pretty durable. Also even in color Jumpy Vodka makes me giggle. Imma meme her surprised face. ALSO ALSO rest in peace Vodka's jacket. Then again it was hardly a supportive character. :p


Everything is going according to plan... Next step, triumvirate queens.


Don't forget Vodka went all "chomp chomp" on a Breeder's neck, in Episode 1. Maybe her fangs are even harder now that she's turning into one of them :O Vodka's jacket has died 3 times so far... I doubt they're going to resurect it again :(


Yeah... Adam doesn't want to "overcomplicate" things with kisses and such. He's the kind of guy who goes straight to the action D:


A centuries-old creature is about to discover "love", maybe? :3

Serial Dreamer

Is there any way to read this whole comic if i supported you late and don't wanna scroll all the way through?


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