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Inks and colors next! Vodka is the first non-breeder indivudual (besides Adam) who has touched the Breeder Queen in a very long time.

What kind of craziness does Vodka have in mind? The "Final boss" fight (for this path) begins...



Fleur Dryke

This is gonna be FUN


Makes me wonder, Can a Breeder Queen speed up the infestation/corruption/transformation process?


This is going to be so good!


Oh No, is she giving into her lust? She seems to like what she sees with the queens large chest and booty


This should be extremely entertaining. Can't wait to see how Vodka tries to get out of this one.

Sebastian delaBarra

Goodness one touch and the Queen seems hot and bothered already. Vodka must have magic fingers. Also dat tiddy squiisssshhh.



Julian Hartmann

Touching is good! You know what the lower right panel needs? Truly massive amounts of thick, slimy saliva, as an in-story mirror of the reader's reaction to this page.


If this doesn't turn into a full on MILF sex scene I will be dissapointed.

Sierra Teylaas

All that sweet, sweet hugging action:)


She's trying to lure the Queen! The shark girl is quite impressed by those huge attributes though :P


This is the first time another female approaches her like that! She's hot and kind of confused at the same time :O There'll be pleeeenty of squish in the next scenes.


Haha that'd be nice! Those Breeders' role consists of protecting the Queen and not allowing others to get that close to her, but in this case they're supposed to be restraining all their aggressiveness and natural instincts in that panel, which is the reason why they're rage-drooling so profusely.