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Colors! Finished in-game model for the Breeder Queen. 

Looks like this regal alien lady has something very important to say!



Fleur Dryke

and she's pretty hot stuff. I admit that I might just be biased towards her due to my like of Xenomorphs from Giger's creation and Fox's movies.

Sebastian delaBarra

"My eyes are up here." -the Queen probably. I remember when ya once planned an rpg game of sorts and now I'm thinking the Queen would have been great final boss material.


Love her ❤️❤️❤️

Julian Hartmann

Huggable! Make a plushi out of this! If her invasion fails, she could still get by by selling hugs.

Tashi Gibson

Who can really blame Adam for falling for her? :D

Floppy Human

I'd really like to see a non-canon mini comic about the breeder queen at some point.


The plan to create a RPG game is still there! :D And yeah, I see her like that too! Specially if she ends up building the empire she craves so much.


It's going to happen! That's one of the future comics plans I have in mind: A prequel about the Breeder Queen's origins.


Mmmmffff...! The things I would do to breastfeed from her! >///< I wonder if her breast milk is tasty? :3


A lovely art piece of the Breeder Queen. Great stuff!