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Colors! Looks like the Breeder species' future is at stake after this.

What does Vodka have in mind?



Wilson Bennett

The breeders' eyes changed color. Does this mean anything?


Oh, they're the same Breeders who appeared 2 pages ago. The eyes' colors are the same :)

Fleur Dryke

oh my gosh, this is DEFINITELY the more interesting plot line


So Vodka is carrying twins but one is different from the other. I wonder if the one the queen is worried about will have vodka's personality and hatred for the breeders like her mother does :3


Wait? Ones an error? Dose this mean she'll have a cool unique design?


I am deeply curious about this. If they'll have their mother's feelings towards their own kind...and at the same time, am I the only one that finds the notion of Vodka actually coming to care for her daughters to be...rather sweet?

Julian Hartmann

Weirdly unconnected to the page, but for some reason I wonder now if the Queen is speaking standard english or has some weird alien accent? Probably with lots of harsh consonants. Back to topic: I hope there's a fight who gets to breastfeeed those cuties between Vodka and our beloved Queen.


The queen is so pretty. I think I say this every time. I can't stop.


it like the alien movie all over again but with twins

Nicholas Smith

Looks like one may take after her mother.


One of them will be "pro-Breeders" for sure! The other one remains a mystery :3


Exactly. It's supposed she should be carrying one royal egg instead of two, and the second one has a trait that makes her different (and more dangerous) than any Queen the Breeder species has seen before. Her design will be very Breeder-ish, but she'll have unique traits.


The Breeder Queen is an ancient, wise creature who has seen the rise and fall of many cultures and civilizations. She knows plenty of languages (including fluent English), even languages that aren't even used anymore. Vodka will have a hard time if she has to breastfeed both Twin Queens :D


I'm just gonna say futa lol I'm pretty sure the other one will be a greater queen that can breed but also nurture and hold babies as well


I'm hoping that Vodka still has some real growing left to do, especially now that it's confirmed she's carrying twin royals. She really rocks that maternal look! <3

Sebastian delaBarra

OH! TWIN SURPRISE! That explains the great girth. I just thought the egg was just..,, stupid big.


This is a interesting twist. Cant wait to see what becomes of it later. And that would explain why her belly is so huge lol.