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Inks! Colors next! Looks like Type-B Breeders (Adam's spawn) are particularly curious about Vodka... until a Type-A Breeder (classic Breeder) appears to save her. 

Whatever is hiding in Vodka's belly is way too valuable for the Hive...




It makes me wonder if there is some way to alter/corrupt the queen inside of her. Given it was a Classic Alpha that impregnated her. And is it wrong/weird that I still want to see a scene of Vodka just cradling the infant Queen against her chest and maybe humming it a lullaby or something?


with every new scene I keep thinking to myself that Vodka is for sure getting just that little bit bigger in size, must just be a matter of perspective though. I mean those boobs and belly probably dont have much more room to swell xD <3


"Cummy Condom flashbang incoming!" - Me if I were in that situation


That does beg the question, what would happen if one of Adam's sons caught her and stuffed her? What would likely happen to her or the queen in her belly?

Sebastian delaBarra

**insert MGS alert sound here** Also is it me or do Breeders just don't care about walls? The Kool-Aid Man has more impulse control about such rampart wall smashing.


Maybe there'll be an ending like that, more or less :)


Who knows! Maybe she's hiding a not-so-little (still unexpected) surprise in that belly ;D


The results would have been very uncertain. However, the most "positive" results would have been something like accelerated corruption besides an extra batch of eggs. There's a high chance the royal egg inside her would be safe after that.


Breeders are still looking for a way to break the fourth wall. For some reason they can't even get close to it! Also, a Breeder version of the Kool-Aid Man... I can't unsee that now :B~